Jungle (Preface)

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The jungle went a blaze, running through the heavy smoke. Your lungs burning, no time to stop hearing someone scream out Y/N in the distance. Your feet slamming in the dirt stopping at the opening hiding behind a tree, seeing a robed creature and a small army of stormtroopers surrounding a man. He was kneeling in there grasp, pleading loudly. The robed creature held something in it's hand holding it up, a dagger. Not hearing much but seeing the dark creature slitting the man's throat as blood jetted out. You let out a loud scream of terror, the hooded figure snapped his head in your direction as you began running again back to your village. The smoke heavier now, hard to see, falling over an exposed root your face against the moistened soils panting. Hearing the stormtroopers coming closer to you. You tried to move but something was holding you down. Then the figure stood in front of you, looking up seeing him staring at you.


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