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Nightfell, the moonlight shone over the small pale clay home, insects buzzing in the bushes, the nightbirds croaked. Clay plates clacked together, as a woman stacked them up neatly into a cupboard, finishing up the wash, a baby wrapped behind her back in a woven blanket, awake and alert. The kitchen is warm, with a family bustling around a table.

"Do you ever think we will go back?" a young man asked

"We might, but we aren't sure if it safe to return" the father replied, rubbing his graying beard, they had been living in the sanctuary for months since the First Order attacked

"Are you sure Y\N is dead?" the woman with the baby asked, she sat down with a mug holding hot tea

"Sure of it" the patriarch of the family replied, sitting back, remembering seeing you on Starkiller Base not mentioning to the family he saw you. "That witch had to die at some point, should've just took her out myself"

"That is enough" another woman snapped "She is dead and we are alive that is all that matters"

"Why couldn't you tell her the truth about uncle, and grandfather huh they had the same thing as she did" the young man said,

"Because they were evil there is no good whatsoever" the father grumbled, coughing

Water from the well poured out into the metal basin as another young man took it outside to dump it.

"Brother didn't deserve to die" the young man sighed, shaking his head wishing it was him in the x-fighter

"He died as a hero, end of discussion" the father stood up from the woven stool.

The family moved from the kitchen area down underground to the sleeping areas, spying on the parents standing outside of the rounded home. The woman wrapped in a colorful throw blanket, while the father lit a pipe smoking. The woman sighed looking up at the sky

"I always knew something was wrong during my pregnancy" the woman said sheeply "Never had I had such a complicated one until she came along"

The man flicked the ash into the dirt, turning to the woman "I wish Maliah could stay alive her death was a tragedy a freak show" her voice quivered "And the humiliation when she killed that boy I was so sick I couldn't leave the home" she looked up to the moon with tears welting

There was a rustle in the bushes, the winds blowing softly, the man peered around feeling something was off, another bird croaked.

"Let's stop talking about her" he advised feeling the night was off "We should rest"

The final lamp burned out, waiting in the brushes, going back to Kylo, hearing the soft crunch of the rocks underneath your boot

"They talked shit about me" you fummed, his face was calm, stroking his fingers on your cheek

"Let go of the past" he told you, looking at you for a while like he wanted to kiss you, insisting
"You want me to come with you"

You wanted to do this alone, but figure he should be close

"Shadow me on the perimeter "

Pulling up the mouth covering over you nose, lifting you hood up, you dark garb camouflaging with night. Prowling swiftly, and quietly, making your way through the opening of the mud abode, finding yourself in the small sitting area with wicker furniture, a small fireplace, seeing on the mantle was a drawing of your older brother. A beaded necklace he wore sat beside the picture, understanding it was a memoir. Getting the idea he died in battle, taking the necklace, tucking it into your pocket making your way through the kitchen area, smelling the leftover scent from dinner.

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