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[ TRIGGER WARNING, this chapter dicusses explict use of drugs and self harm. There is a  sex scene that is forceful. Disturbing thoughts]

Chants echoed in a chamber, a cold chill whipped your hair around, waking up in an unfamiliar environment, laying on a slab of stone. Pain entered your body, sore and bruised, a vision flashed you from above, blinded by bright flashing lights strobing in an off rhythm. In the distance only a couple of feet away you can spot a mound of a shape, using every last bit of strength, limping wincing in pain to understand this mound. Recognizing the shapes of the helmets that shone in the strobe of light recognizing it was all the knights thrown carelessly into a pile. Turning your body, noticing a throne sat on a platform raised up with wires and tubes, a figure in a robe laughed darkly. hearing feet scatter behind moving in front too quick for your eyes seeing it was Rey smiling her lips stretched snarling her sharp teeth, seeing a dark matter drip from her mouth. 

A sound of another body struggling came from behind hearing your name be whimpered out, twisting your neck around trying to find where the person was. Another body struggled in the distance, grunting in pain, choking on air. Limping to the figure, seeing it was Kylo, he was laying on his side, falling to your knees crawling to him desperately. He was on his side picking him up his lips crested with blood, his neck rolled back lifelessly. Lifting his head in your hand seeing his eyes were pure white.


Kylo jolted up hearing you scream in bloody murder, you weren't in  the room but in the livingspace. Running out, nearly colliding with the wall, seeing you were in hysterics holding onto you. You balled into his chest,  he saw what had happened, scared, not wanting to sleep again. Stroking your hair, rocking you

"Shh, Y/N I'm here baby"... "I'm here"

The bath comforted you, lost in the scents of floral and herbs. Laying on Kylo's chest, the warmth and protection, too afraid to even blink. Telling Kylo, Exagol is a bad rep, you were having visions not dreams. He figured it, holding onto your body.

"Maybe you aren't ready to be into the Dark arts yet" he said softly, his eyes moved down meeting with yours 

"Rey needs to be murdered. I have to, she is going to harm us and take our throne" you stumbled over your words, holding back anger trying to stay calm

Kylo wanted to laugh at the thought you were finally passionate about taking another throne. 

"Let's just work with what we have first kitten"


Left alone in bed, wearing a bathrobe, stirring up an idea, remembering the underground market. There had to be something that can push off sleep anything to keep you awake and alert. Setting the device in incognito mode, the screen turning gray searching past the safety measures. Scrolling through code names for dealers, flicking your finger up as the page rolled by, finding one with a supply on hand. Messaging them, sending it and putting your device to the side of the bed, feeling reckless, wanting to quit the conversation. Your device buzzed, afraid to take a peek, flipping the device over looking at the message

What do you need?

Thinking of what to reply, having no knowledge 

Something to keep me alert
 energized… a good feeling

I got what you need

They sent a location for you to meet, feeling this was a bad mistake, wearing a dark robed material similar to Kylo’s. Sneaking out of the complex so the Knights wouldn’t know, the location was fifteen levels down and approximately a quarter miles east. Never once buying drugs from the underground market, not knowing where to even look. The seller was an officer, a message came in reading walk normal as you did. Seeing an officer up ahead he motioned with his head to come into a narrow passageway. Making ways, as you follow,  he climbed down a manhole. Dropping down a narrow passageway with metal grates and massive metal pipes billowing clouds of steam. Handing you the stimulants there were no words. 

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