Just A Taste

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⚠️There is a non consensual scene in this part⚠️

Flames were high shrieks of the villagers as homes were being burned chaos so much chaos a woman screamed


Jolting awake in the same interrogation room you were in, the same exact chair. The restraints were tighter, pinching the skin of of wrists. Commander stood in the the corner, masked by the darkness, barely seeing him

"So much pain going on in that head of yours" his synthetic voice made you jump

"Let me go" you called out, he made his way in front of you his head cocked to the left

"So you can run off again. What should I do jacket you or keep you in this chair?"

"Fuck you you piece of shit" you spat out

"The more you dishonor me the more I want that mouth" his helmet shone in the light a beast in disguise

"Am I going to be your lover or your whore"

"Haven't decided" he stood by your side hearing his breathing being filtered by the mask knowing there is a person or creature under there

"I love playing predator and prey with you, always trying to run only to get caught." He tried to be slick "you are an huntress didn't they teach you proper hunting skills" His fingers trailed up your thigh trying to pull your leg away forgetting your ankle was cuffed down

"Don't deny it. You dream of someone touching you like this"

"Fuck off" you bit out

That mouth sounds so delicious his finger crept up to the thin fabric feeling his hands swipe over the lace
"Can I at least see your face?" You asked quietly, your ears growing hot, swallowing hard

"Only when you become a good girl"

Gritting your teeth being frustrated, feeling him pull away the material his gloved fingers dipping into your folds finding your bud. Letting out a whimper your cheeks turning red embarressed you let out a sound of enjoyment. This was all wrong. Guilt and shame arose mixed with erotica

Kylo let out a low laugh "enjoying this slut"

You stayed quiet but deep down you didn't want him to stop the movements. You thought there was something about him even though he is a monster he is pulling you in. His fingers paced quicker not wanting to let out your whimpers struggling against the chair. You eyes looked up to the domed ceiling seeing a probed porotype droid. Your lips trembled

"Let it out whore." His mask against your neck, hearing him breath, catching his scent of spice and wood. "Scream out who is fingering you" his other leathered hand placed on your damp forehead. You cried out, your head pressed back on the head rest.

"That's a good girl" Kylo hushed you. His fingers moved downwards to your opening
"May I-?" He asked, in an odd way of politeness.

"Please" you begged, you were desperate to know what it feels like,

"Please what" Kylo titled his head, you thought for a second answering

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