The green-eyed girl's back hits the wall and Zayn closes the distance as he kneels.

"Listen, closely. You already know I don't give a fuck about that kid but I do about you. We will keep our affair going or you will lose your job and not only yours, I have connections, I can have your wife lose her job too," Zayn says.

"You can ruin my life but don't ruin Camila's," Lauren says.

"Your life is Camila and you are hers. Now, you can walk out that door, but if you even dare to try and stop our affair...." Zayn trails off. He snaps his fingers and leans closer. "Your life will be over," He finishes.

The boy stands up and backs away as Lauren slowly gets up.

She glares at him but he only has a smug look on his face as the green-eyed girl walks past him.

After leaving that house behind, Lauren makes her way back to the beach as quickly as she can.

Once there, she walks down to where her family is settled.

The first person to see her is Camila and the brunette walks over to her wife.

"Hey, you're back," Camila says.

She leans up and intends to kiss Lauren's lips but the green-eyed girl turns her head away.

"What's wrong?" Camila frowns.

"I need to tell you something," Lauren says.

"Go ahead," Camila says.

Lauren sighs and moves, sitting down on the warm sand as Camila sits down next to her.

"I went to Zayn's house and I told him that anything between us is over," Lauren says.

"I don't see what's wrong with this. You wanted this. Unless you..." Camila trails off.

"No. But... I ended up not ending things with him," Lauren says.

"Why?" Camila asks.

"Because he threatened me," Lauren says.

"Threaten you? How?!" Camila's voice raises a little.

"Camila, lower your voice," Lauren says.

"Tell me. Explain," Camila says.

"He threatened that if I end things with him, I'll lose my job and not just me, he said he'll make you lose your job as well," Lauren explains.

"That fucking bastard!" Camila says.

"Camila, please lower your voice," Lauren says.

The brunette looks around to see that everyone around them is looking their way, even Lauren's parents and their kids.

Camila sighs and nods, taking deep breaths to calm herself. "What are you going to do now?" She asks.

"I don't want to keep that affair going but if I end it, he will ruin us and he could care less," Lauren says.

"We'll find a way, mi amor," Camila says.

"So what? You want me to keep..." Lauren trails off.

"No, but..." Camila trails off.

"My parents can help us, you know they can," Lauren says.

"Yeah but... I want to fight, I don't want the kids to think I'm a coward and didn't fight for this family," Camila says.

"We both will but just in case, I'm telling my parents," Lauren says.

"Okay," Camila nods.

Lauren leans closer to Camila and tilts her head to press their lips together.


Both girls pull away and look up to see Sofia standing over them.

"Something wrong, Sof?" Camila asks.

"Nah, we're just all hungry," Sofia says.

"Are y'all all beached out?" Camila asks.

"Yeah," Sofia nods.

"Okay well, let's pack everything up and we'll see where we'll go eat," Camila stands up.

She holds her hand out to Lauren and the green-eyed girl takes it as Camila helps her wife up as Sofia jogs back over to where her brothers and grandparents are.

"Let's keep this between us and your parents only. I don't want the kids finding out, at all, not even a little bit," Camila says.

"Got it," Lauren nods.

"We'll find a way," Camila cups Lauren's cheek.

"We will," Lauren nods.

The married couple walks over to their family and helps them pack everything up.

After carrying everything back to the car, loading it, changing into dry clothes, and entering, they make their way to a Mexican restaurant that is near.

"Yay! Mexican food! The best food ever!" Sofia cheers once they get there.

"Hey! That's disrespectful," Lauren says.

"It's the truth, I personally like Mexican better than Cuban. I love your food though suegra," Camila looks in the rearview mirror, at Clara.

"She loves my food at least. I take it," Clara says.

That makes everyone laugh as they get out of the car and enter the restaurant, finding a table.

Lauren and Camila sitting next to each other, Clara and Michael across from them, Sofia on the left and the twins to the right.

"This place is quite romantic," Lauren whispers in her wife's ear.

Camila looks over at an empty stage and brings her lips to Lauren's ear. "Maybe we should come back at night, I hear that mariachi plays here during dinner time," She says.

"We'll see. I hope my parents don't start getting tired of taking care of the children," Lauren whispers.

"I don't think they ever will," Camila chuckles softly.

"What are y'all whispering about over there?" Clara asks across the table.

"Just Lauren and I thinking on maybe coming back here tonight to enjoy some dinner and the beautifulness of mariachi," Camila says.

"Another night, another night," Mike breathes out.

Clara smacks him across the chest. "Don't listen to him, we'll love to take care of the kids again," She says.

"It's just a thought, we'll update you," Camila smiles.

"Hey kids, why don't you go into the play area. Your mother and I need to talk to your abuelos," Lauren looks at them.

"Okay! Come on, twinsters," Sofia says.

The twins and Sofia run off to the play area as the four adults fall quiet as the waiter approaches.

After ordering drinks for everyone, the older couple looks at the younger one.

"What's wrong?" Clara asks.

"I went to end things with Zayn today," Lauren says.

"And did you?" Mike asks.

"Tried. He..." Lauren trails off.

"He threatened Lauren," Camila finishes her wife's sentence.

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