Chapter 35: Growth

Start from the beginning

"Neji nii-San you suck at lying" Hinata said as she sat down on the chair

"Well it's just I was thinking about marriage and the future now" I replied not even thinking twice about what I just had said

"Marriage?!" Hinata screamed

"Well not right now but I'm just thinking about it" I said while I freaked out inside my head while on the outside trying to be calm

"Are you going to propose to Tenten-Chan?" Hinata said while putting her hands in her face, she was freaking out

"Yes but not right now, I want to wait" I said

"Well you and Tenten-Chan have been together for some time" Hinata pointed out

"We have gone though quite a bit, deaths, the war and balancing out this new reality of me being head and still being an active ninja with Tenten being an active kunoichi" I said

"Neji nii-san I think you should think about it, we are still young after all" Hinata adviced me

"I know but I want to marry her. I want to have children with her, I never thought I would be saying this" I said

"Neji nii-san, it's adorable. Having a niece or nephew running around calling me aunty sounds cute. Would you name them Tejí? or Tonton? oh wait no not that" Hinata said as she started to think about baby names

"I think you are getting yourself a bit too carried away, yes I want a family but not right now I'm this moment. I feel like Tenten still wants to enjoy our relationship while we are young and child free and so do I. I want to take her on vacations, go do fun activities and more dates" I responded

"Well you are taking her on a date so maybe talk about it? Go on a little vacation you both need it" Hinata responded

"I'll ask Lord Kakashi to give us a few days off, I'm thinking about going to a couples hotspring. I'll ask Shikamaru for advice about which one is the best to go" I said while thinking

"There's a good one in the land of hot water" Hinata said

"Good to know, well I'm going to get ready. I need to shower" I said as I got up from the couch to start walking towards my room

"The incredible Neji Hyuga has to wash his hair that takes him at least an hour or so to do" Hinata laughed

"That's why my hair is so soft you are just jealous" I said back but I'm all honestly my hair was super soft and well taken care off can't say the same about Ino's because she keeps straightening it too much. My hair routine along with Tenten's makes us have super nice and silky hair

I take a hot shower and quickly change into my clothes. I decided to wear a black turtleneck and black pants that match the top with sandals.

"Someone is all ready" Tenten said as she walked in the room

"We haven't gone out in a while, I wanted to look good for you plus remember you wanted to take pictures I got the camera" I pulled out a black small bag from my closet that inside carried a camera, I had asked Natsu to help me find a good camera

"AWE NEJI YOU ACTUALLY REMEMBERED AND GOT A CAMERA FOR US THANK YOU!!" Tenten jumped up and down from the excitement, clapping as well

"You really thought I wouldn't remember. Am I that bad of a boyfriend?" I questioned while looking at her pretty brown eyes that were lit up with sparkles

"No, no It's just you've been really busy so I didn't think you would even remember at all but thank you Neji. I got you something as well I had noticed you needed a new journal so while we were shopping I found this one" Tenten handed me a grey journal, it made me smile

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