But the thing about Harry is that he always knew how to up the game, just when you thought he could slip any lower or be any viler, he would find a new disgusting low.

"What chance does this kid have with a pathetic, useless lazy whore for a mother, it would be better to be born dead than have to suffer you for the rest of its life, like I do".

I didn't have a moment to think before my hand instinctively raised up and I slapped him as hard as I could muster, knocking that nasty sneer of his face and replacing it with utter shock. He wasn't used to me fighting back.

Shock was quickly washed away with wild burning rage as he pushed me flying back. I stumbled trying to keep my footing as I felt my feet float underneath me as I glided backwards down the stairs, frantically trying to grab at the bannister to stop my fall but there was nothing I could do.

Sprawled out at the bottom of the stairs, every bone in my body aches with the fall, my husband does not move, he simply silently watches from the top of the stairs as I flinch in pain, waves agony washes over me but the only thought that ran through my brain was, I need to get to the hospital  "my precious baby".

I crawl to the front door, well aware at any moment he could bound down the stairs and finish me off but he doesn't. I drag my body up and unlock the door constantly listening out for him- but still he doesn't come. Before I walk out, I look back to make sure he's not snuck down the stairs ready to drag me back, but he's still standing there, frozen to the spot, eyes bulging, his face white as if he seen a ghost. I follow his hypnotised gaze down to my white night gown and then I see it - crimson red blood.

I lift up my nightgown and I see the blood trickle down my legs and I know I've lost my dream, my baby. The world starts to swirl around me as everything distorts and I drop to the ground hoping the earth will open and swallow me up.

I awake to a humming noise and a bright oppressive white light that is shining above my head and blurs my vision, for a second I think "am I dead, if I am at least I'll be reunited with my baby" but then I hear his voice and I'm instantly thrown out of heaven with a heavy bump as I realise I'm in hospital. My body starts to throb like a pulse as the pain starts to wash over me but this is nothing compared to the pain in my heart at knowing of my empty hollow womb that once held my beautiful baby.

Nurses bustle around me but I don't acknowledge any of them, I hear them fussing and expressing  their sorrow to him, that he's lost his baby and how it was a tragedy that I'd fallen down the stairs when I was going to get a drink, he plays the victim, thanking them for their kind words and in that moment I wish I had the strength to rip his lying tongue from his mouth.

When they are done and dusted, they leave and pull the curtain around my bed and it's just me and him, I pull myself up so I can look him in the eyes.

"I'm sorry...."

"Stop" I whisper

"I was drunk"

"Stop" I snarl

"We can try again and have another baby"

I lunge at him like a caged beast, scratching at his face, trying to take the deceitful eyes from his head that watched me bleed out our child.

Nurses run in desperately trying to hold me back as I howl and thrash, trying to get my pound of flesh from the beast of a man who had robbed me of my dream. He cowers backwards for the first time, fear imprinted on his face.

"Get your fucking hands of my granddaughter" the room falls silent as my grandmother walks in.

"She was attacking her husband" one of the nurses shouts back.

"If she was, you best bloody believe she had a damn good reason to" she glared at Harry as if she was looking right into his soul "now all of you piss off out of here and take him with you".

They slink out the room like naughty school children that have been scolded by the Head mistress under her watchful eye, once they are all gone, she scoops me up in her arms, finally safe in her embrace, I cry until there are no tears left and I fall into a dark broken sleep, I hope I never wake from.

But I do.

When I wake she still there, sat there in that chair watching over me like a guarding angel. But my grandmother is no angel, she's a swearing, strong woman, who loves a Guinness and never attends church. From as long as I can remember she had a pack of tarot cards always on her person, never would cross paths with a black cat or see one magpie without spitting. My mother told me she was eccentric, my father called her the witch.

Either way, she loved me and that's all that mattered.

She hobbles out the chair and perches on my bed "my darling I'm so sorry for your loss, there isn't words strong enough to express how sorry I am".

"I feel like a mother without a baby, what did I do to deserve this, why is god punishing me?"

She strokes the hair out of my face "This is the actions of a monster not god, I may not go to church every Sunday but don't think I don't know god, we have our own relationship".

"I just thought I was finally going to get to be a mother.... that's all I've ever wanted, it's always felt like that was my purpose, my reason to be here".

Her eyes glisten with the threat of tears "and you will be, I see that for you. You will be a mother one day to hundreds of girls, they will never replace the child you have lost but they will help you heal and you them".

"I don't understand what you mean - how do you know that".

She chuckles "you know I can't tell you that, your not ready yet but when you are I will explain everything, all you need to know is that I've never lied to you, so why would I now".

I nod knowing my grandmother was many things but not a liar.

"I have to go now my darling but your mother is on her way, now before I leave I want to give you this".

She hands me her old solid wooden walking stick, that taps with every step she takes, she's used this for as long as I can remember, it's almost like part of her body constantly attached to her arthritic hand.

"This was my mothers and her mother's and now it's yours" she sees my puzzled expression at the strange gift "It'll lead you in the right direction kid, trust me" with that she kisses me gently on the forehead, tells me she loves me then she hobbles out through the curtains to shout at the nurses one more time before she goes home.

"This was my mothers and her mother's and now it's yours" she sees my puzzled expression at the strange gift "It'll lead you in the right direction kid, trust me" with that she kisses me gently on the forehead, tells me she loves me then she hobbl...

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