t w e n t y t h r e e

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Billie's POV

"I missed you. I haven't been the same without you." I mutter into Carmen's ear.

I sink into her embrace and focus on her touch. Her soft fingertips trace patterns on my shoulder.

The red lighting in my room glows warmly around us, as we lay in my bed clutching each other tightly.

"I need you, Bil." Carmen whispers shakily.

I lift my head off of her shoulder and look her in her eyes.

Those eyes that hold the whole galaxy.

"I'm yours, mama." I say.

Her gaze fixes on my lips, and I hear a hitch in her breath.

I stay put, letting her make the next move. Her hand slowly moves from my shoulder and trails down my back. She stops at my waist and pulls me closer to her.

She slowly moves in, her lips parted slightly. My eyes flutter shut as I wait for her lips to touch mine.

But, they don't.

I open my eyes to meet with hers again, her nose gently grazing mine.

"You need to find me first." she whispers almost inaudibly.

My heart stops.

"Where are you?" I ask, softly touching her face.

"I'm scared." Her lips brush against mine as she whispers those words to me.

Her fearful eyes frantically search mine. I grab hold of her and pull her into my arms as tightly as I can.

"Bil, wake up!" I hear a deep voice say.

I jolt awake in bed, gasping for air. Finneas is sitting next to me on the edge of my bed with his hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay? You were having a night terror or something." Finneas says, brushing the hair out of my face.

I look up at him, feeling overwhelming comfort just looking at his face.

"I was?" I ask.

"Yeah, you were shaking and crying or something." Finneas says carefully.

I glance over at the clock on my nightstand. It reads 3:28 am.

I sigh and rub my eyes.

"Do you need to talk?" Finneas asks.

"I'm scared dude. I love her." I say, leaning on his shoulder.

"We're gonna find her, Bil. I don't think anyone would seriously hurt her." Finneas says, giving me a side hug.

"She's probably terrified, Fin. She already has trauma." I whine.

Finneas just sighs, and hugs me a little tighter.

"I wish I could say something helpful. But honestly if this happened to Claudia I would be just as panicked as you." He says.

"I don't think I've ever felt this way about anyone. And I let someone take her away." I say, choking up.

Finneas rubs my back.

"How will she ever forgive me? I should've protected her better." I say, covering my face.

"There are search teams looking everywhere for her as we speak. We can't do anything more right now." Finneas says quietly.

"I have information, Fin." I say, pulling away from him.

"You do?" Finneas asks.

"I do. I really do. I'm scared someone will hurt her if I turn this information over to the police." I say, making eye contact with Finneas.

"Bil! You need to!" Finneas says, in complete shock.

"You don't understand bro, it's some fucked up shit. I don't know what these people are capable of." I say.

"Tell me everything. Now." He says.


billie is abt to spill the tea!! thank y'all so much for 4.47k reads!!!! side note, i just saw her live on the happier than ever tour!!!!!! i was on barricade y'all!! words cannot express how amazing that night was. 10/10 would recommend seeing her on tour. okay love u all <3

Brighter Stars // Billie Eilish gxgOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora