e l e v e n

722 20 9

TW: mentions of sexual assault

Billie slips one of her oversized black tee shirts over my head and helps work my arms into the sleeve holes.

I sit up against the headboard of the bed, my legs under the duvet. I pick the skin off my lips as I watch Billie grab a fresh hoodie from a bag across the room and pull it over her head. She climbs onto the bed as well and slips under the duvet next to me, then props herself up on the headboard.

"Are you ready to talk?" She asks patiently, playing with the rings on her fingers.

"Billie I'm so sorry." I whine, trying not to cry.

"Carmen. Don't you dare apologize. Just let me into your head for a second." She says, looking at me.

I have no clue what to say. I can't find words to convey what went on in my head. I look back at her, knowing there are tears welling in my eyes.

Billie takes a breath.

"Did I do something to violate you or make you feel uncomfortable?" She asks, concern growing in her tone.

My voice feels like it's gone. All I can manage to do is shake my head.

Billie heaves what sounds like a sigh of relief. "I was so scared that I hurt you." She says.

"You didn't." I choke, feeling the tears rolling down my cheeks.

Billie looks away, almost to avoid seeing me cry, and begins messing with her rings again.

I use the palm of my hand to wipe away my tears. I notice Billie freeze.

"Carmen?" She asks, her gaze still fixed on her rings.

"Mhm?" I rasp.

"Is this about the night at the frat house?"

I break instantly, burying my face into my hands. All I can feel is hurt, pain, and humiliation. I really let someone else get away with doing this to me.

I feel my whole body shake as I sob. I rub my eyes before pulling my face away from my hands, and I glance at Billie.

Her face is pale as a ghost. There are tears welled up in her eyes too. She notices my stare and opens her arms.

"Can I hold you?" She chokes.

I say nothing but slide myself into her arms. I feel them wrap around me tightly. Billie places her chin on top of my head. I can't help but cry more after seeing Billie tear up.

We lay there in silence as I cry. Every time I feel myself shake she pulls me closer to her chest.

Just a few minutes in her arms feel like hours in the best way possible. My heart is so used to aching, but feels happy for the first time in a while.

I eventually pull away, her hand still resting on my thigh.

"I just wanna know you better mamas. So bad. I wanna know everything about you." She says quietly, gently squeezing my thigh.

"I have a feeling that you will." I smile, finding her blue eyes once again.

Billie readjusts, fixing her sleeves. "So... you don't have anywhere else to go right?"

I laugh. "Thanks for rubbing it in. But if I wanna stay in California, the answer to that question is no."

"I was just gonna ask if you wanted to stay with me at my brother's house." She says, looking up at me.

"Isn't that a little weird?" I ask, making a face.

"He's going on vacation with his girlfriend for like a month. I kinda asked him if I could stay in his place with you while he's gone." Billie smiles.

"No fucking way you did that, Bil." I laugh in disbelief.

"So...?" She asks, flashing her cheesiest smile.

"So... I feel like shit making you do favors for me literally every day." I reply, placing my hand on hers, still resting on my thigh.

"At this point I feel like you're the one doing me favors. Please give me this opportunity to be around you some more." Billie purses her lips.

I can't find any words for what emotions I'm feeling. All I can manage to do is wrap her up in my arms. My chin rests on her shoulder, her hair in my face. She squeezes me tighter, sending butterflies through my stomach.

"Oh, one thing mamas," Billie says quietly into my ear.

I hum in response.

"We're going to dinner with my brother and his girlfriend tomorrow."


ok hey guys!! sorry this is really short. i feel like i haven't said anything at all throughout this entire story. i love billie eilish. pls feel free to message me bc i love to chat!! also lmk what you think about the story :) i'm not the best writer but i feel like i have a wild imagination that i hope to do justice with my words. ok bye ily. thank you for 80 reads!!! <3

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