t w e l v e

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"Are you sure I look ok, Bil?" I ask, looking at myself in the hotel mirror.

It's about five o'clock, and Billie and I are supposed to meet her brother and his girlfriend at the restaurant in half an hour. Billie rounds the corner entering the bathroom, pulling up the waistband of her pants.

"Sheeesh!" She exclaims, her eyes wide.

I have on a light blue jumpsuit, my hair is parted down the middle and tied into a high pony tail, and I've done my makeup for the first time in a while.

"You are... stunning." Billie says, coming up behind me and wrapping her arms around my waist.

"You don't look so bad yourself!" I laugh, complimenting her gucci get up.

She pecks me on my cheek from behind, then slips away and walks towards the door.

"Are you ready mamas?" She asks, licking her lips.

I grab my phone and walk towards her. "Let's go."

We get into her car and start towards the restaurant.

"We should be there soon." Billie says, handing me her phone while her eyes are still fixed on the road.

"What's this for?" I ask.

"I'm giving you aux, Car." She laughs.

"Well that's a lot of pressure coming from you!" I whine, opening Apple Music on her phone.

"Just choose something baby." She smiles, switching into the left lane so she can accelerate past the car in front of us.

"You know I know absolutely nothing about music." I say, looking through her library.

She scoffs. "At least try?"

I navigate to her most recently listened to playlist and I shuffle it. A drake song rings throughout the car.

"This is fire!" She exclaims, turning it up.

"Well I would hope so, it's on your playlist I just shuffled." I tease, locking her phone and placing it back into her lap.

"Oh my fucking GOD." Billie groans, playfully rolling her eyes.

I giggle a little then readjust in my seat.

"By the way, we know the owners of this place." Billie says, taking the exit towards the restaurant.

"Oh really?" I ask.

"Yeah, they give us a private room towards the back so we don't get bombarded with paparazzi or anything like that." She says.

"Oh god, I didn't even think about Paparazzi." I whine.

"Just keep your head down when you get out, just in case." She says, pulling into the parking lot.

She whips into a parking spot then puts her car into park. She reaches into her console and pulls out a pair of gucci sunglasses, then tilts my chin to look at her.

"Here." She says quietly, sliding them onto my face carefully. My heart skips a beat while her soft hands brush some of the baby hairs away from my face. She smiles at me before pulling her keys out of the ignition and hopping out of the car.

We close and lock the car behind us, then I do what Billie says: keep my head down.

There are at least a dozen photographers standing in front of the restaurant.

"Fuck, Finneas and Claudia must've got here before us." Billie murmurs, taking my hand and leading me to the restaurant. As we're entering the doors, I hear an assortment of people yelling at Billie.

"Miss Eilish! Miss Eilish! Who's your friend?"

"Billie, are you and Carmen Price close friends?"

"Billie! Please! When is your next album coming out?"

She ignores them all and guides me into the restaurant, straight to the back. There's a door frame that lacks a door, and instead has a curtain. Billie pushes through the curtain and leads me to a table in the middle of the small room.

A kind looking man sits next to a gorgeous women at the table, both of them smiling warmly at us. We slide into the booth across from them.

"I missed you so much, Billie!" The woman says, reaching for her hand across the table. Billie squeezes it and then greets her brother. I sit there and smile at the interaction, observing that these two people are incredibly important to Billie.

"This is my girlfriend, Carmen." Billie says, gesturing to me.

I raise my eyebrows at her referring to me as her girlfriend.

"I'm Finneas, it's great to finally meet you." The man says, extending his hand. I take it in mine and firmly shake it. "It's nice to meet you too!"

"Then you must be Claudia!" I exclaim, switching from Finneas' hand to Claudias.

"That's me! You are so beautiful." She smiles.

"That is all you. You are gorgeous!" I smile back.

"I am starving." Billie groans, opening the menu in front of her.

"Don't act like you don't know what you want, Bil." Finneas teases her.

Billie scoffs and closes her menu. The waitress approaches the table.

"My favorite customers!" She exclaims, pulling out her notepad. "Let me guess, the usual for you two, Billie and Finneas?" She asks.

"You know us so well." Finneas says, stacking his and Billie's menus together and handing them to the waitress.

"Two new guests! What can I get you two?" She asks. Claudia and I make nervous eye contact.

"I think we need a few more minutes." Claudia says warmly, opening her menu up.

"Take your time and let me know when you're ready!" The waitress exclaims, hurrying off to the kitchen.

"So, you two are crashing at our place for like a month in a couple days." Finneas says, putting his arm around Claudia.

"Thank you so much, really. It means a lot to me that you'd open your home up to us even though you hadn't even met me yet." I gush.

"I trust Billie with my life, I knew that if she wanted to crash with you at my place for that long, that you must be a special person." He smiles, winking at Billie.

"She is." Billie says, taking my hand underneath the table and giving it a squeeze.

"Well we only have one rule, and that is to please leave the house how you found it. Capiche?" Claudia raises an eyebrow. "I'm looking at you Billie." She jokes.

"Promise." I say.

The rest of the night goes by in a blur of delicious vegan food and laughter. Billie pays for everyone's meal and Finneas covers the whole tip.

We push through the crowd in front of the restaurant, Billie leading the way, then we climb into her car.

"What are we gonna do when we get back to the hotel?" I ask.

"Up to you mamas. Watch a movie?" Billie asks.

"I was hoping we could have a redo on last night." I grin, looking at her.

"Say less." Billie says, starting the car and whipping out of the parking lot. 


100 reads!!! what the heck!!! thank you all so much (: it'll be a week or so until i update again bc i am going out of town but i will be back soon! ok bye 

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