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"Well, that's concerning," My RA said, as I brought her to my dorm room door. 

"What do I do, Taylor?" I ask, hands trembling. 

"I have no idea..." she says, crossing her arms in concern. 

The notes plastered to my door were troubling. Creepy lines such as "We're following you", "You'll never be safe" and "Soon you'll be ours" were sloppily written on sticky notes that were held to the door with duct tape.

"Have you considered stepping back from your online platform?" Taylor suggests. 

"I've already stopped sharing literally any personal information on everything." I said. 

The social platform she was referring to would be my instagram with over 500k followers. I had become an influencer a couple of months before college started, and now as a sophomore, I've been wildly successful.

"Do you want me to call the police? I know you've been worried as of late." Taylor offers. 

"No, I shouldn't." I respond, beginning to rip down the threatening notes. 

"I'm sure it's just a prankster or something." I reassure myself, even though secretly I wasn't sure how I was supposed to sleep tonight.

"I mean, ok..." Taylor trails off. 

"I'm fine! Thank you for coming over though." I respond. 

"Ok but please Carmen, let me know if you need anything." Taylor says, turning away. 

"Of course! Thank you again." I say, as I unlock the door and push it open.

I walk inside and throw the notes into the bin next to the door, and then turn and make sure my door is dead-bolted. I throw my bag onto the ground and jump into bed, immediately opening my phone. I notice a DM from one of my friends.

──   @zack_reynolds   ──

hey babes, are u trying to 

get fucked up tonight?


I roll my eyes at the message. Zack cannot physically handle being friend-zoned.

──   @zack_reynolds    ──

hey babes, are u trying to

get fucked up tonight?

ha. me and you alone? no 

thanks zack. cute, but no.

nah not alone. there's a frat party 

at SAE tonight. was hoping you

 could come with us.

sounds tempting, but i have to work 

on marketing homework tonight :(

c'mon car. you can copy mine!! 

pls come

really? no other strings attached?

nope. i'll pick u up in 10 minutes.

how that sound?

sounds like you're making my

 gpa drop.

have fun for once. see u in a few.


I put my phone down and quickly slip into my favorite pair of jean shorts and a white rock and roll tee. Before I know it I'm buckling into Zacks car, and we're driving to Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

"You look cute, babes." Zack smiles.

"Thanks, but I'm not your 'babes'." I retort.

"Look, a man can dream can't he?" He looks over at me as we stop at the red light. I laugh quietly.

"How was your day?" He changes the subject.

"It was good, other than the fact that I came home to some creepy ass messages on my door." I say.

"That shit's still happening to you?" He asks.

"Yes and I'm starting to get worried." I sigh.

"I would've been worried after the first creepy thing, but whatever." He laughs.

"Zack, I mean this isn't my first time dealing with a stalker." I say.

"Yeah but I'm sure it's your first time being threatened by one!" He argues.

"Yeah, true." I say, as we pull up to the frat house.

He parks the car and we unbuckle.

"Hey, don't venture out too far, I don't want you to fall into the care of any of these other weirdos." Zack says, before getting out of the car.

"I'll be fine." I say, as we walk inside.

I walk into a dark room with flashing lights and loud music. It reeks of marijuana smoke and alcohol.

"Damn, this party has been kickin' for a while!" Zack yells over the music.

"I'm gonna get a drink!" I yell back, walking away from Zack and into the kitchen.

I grab a red solo cup and scoop some ice into it from the ice chest. I'm interrupted by two tall guys walking over to me.

"Heyyyy who invited Carmen to this party?" One of the guys says, taking the cup away from me. I make a face.

"She's even badder in person!" The other guy says.

"I don't believe we've met?" I ask, hoping to get some names.

"I'm Tanner, and this is Aaron." The first guy says, gesturing to the other.

"Well I'm Carmen but I guess you already knew that." I respond, reaching for my cup back. Aaron pulls it away from my reach.

"A pretty girl like you shouldn't be making her own drinks. Here, come with us." Tanner says, leading me away.

I look behind me for Zack but he isn't anywhere. I catch a glimpse of a girl, though, with icy blue eyes and electric green roots. She looks at me, but for only a second before I'm pulled around the corner and over to a makeshift bar.

"Here you go, cutie." Aaron says, handing me a drink.

"What is it?" I ask, taking a sip.

"It's our jungle juice." Tanner responds.

I pull the cup away from my lips and wipe my mouth. "What the fuck! What's in this?" I respond.

"Chill girl, it's safe. It's just some liquor, lemonade and fruit punch." Tanner says, elbowing me.

Before I have a chance to respond, Zack comes running over with all his friends.

"Shots!!" They exclaim, passing around small cups full of a clear liquid I could only hope was just vodka.

I took one from Zack, and then the whole room counts down and takes the group shot together.

Everyone cheers, and then the music is cranked up louder. Aaron and Tanner pull me onto the dance floor and the next hour goes by in a blur of shots, sweat, and strobe lights.

"Where are you going?" Aaron slurs, watching me as I walk off the dance floor.

"Chill Aaron, I'm just going to the restroom!" I yell over the music. He nods his head dismissively and goes back to the party.

I stumble my way to the restroom and open the door with sweaty hands. I look in the mirror and see what a mess I am. My blonde hair is completely frizzed, and my makeup from the day looks like it's worn off quite a bit. I put my back against the wall and slowly slide down and onto the ground, feeling extremely dizzy.

I've had too much to drink. 

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