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"What's going on?"

"Lily's algorithm located a piece of the spear of destiny." Sara responded to Mick.

"When?" Ray asked Sara. "I mean, I know just now, but when are we headed?"

"Detroit, the year 3000 A.D."

"Journey into the distant future. How exciting?" Stein declared, clearly excited with the opportunity.

"Speak for yourself." Nate said, joining the rest of us.

"Come on, who doesn't like the future?" Jax asked.

"I like history, I know. It's filled with terror and violence, but the future just-" Stein cut him off.

"It's uncertain."

"Yeah, and it freaks me out a little."

"Then just stay on the ship." I recommended to my boyfriend.

"You think I should stay on the ship?" He asked me, sort of offended.

"I don't care, it's up to you." Our squabbling was interrupted by Sara starting the ship and time jumping us to 3000 A.D.

"I am a time travel professional. If you need me to visit the future, I can visit the future."

"And I'm just saying it's entirely up to you."

"And I'm just saying shut up." Sara intervened again. "Nate, Alexa, you'll both stay on the ship. The rest of us will go find the spear."

"Unfortunately, the medallion is no longer sensing the presence of the spear fragment."

"So we came here for nothing?" Ray asked the captain.

"Maybe not. Gideon, do they have booze in the year 3000?" Mick asked Gideon.

"Better yet, Gideon, do you have the last position of the fragment?"


"So..." Nate said as we watched from the ship as the rest of the team left. "Do you think we have time for..."

"Just make it quick." I told him, smiling.

"I just don't get it." Nate paced around the parlor.

"Please be more specific." Stein said. "That could be a very long list."

"Okay, even assuming the Legion took the spear fragment from here, how did they even know it was here?"
"Without the medallion, you mean."

"Rip must've told them." Sara concluded. "Somehow he remembers where the pieces of the spear are."

"Well, then it's a good thing you let him escape." I said coldly to Sara.

"Do you wanna say something to me?"

I stood up. "Jax told me about how he was going to kill Rip in 1776, and about how you stopped him."

"Because we're not killers, Lex. You know that."

"Except for Mr. Rory and..." Sara eyed Stein, causing him to stop. "I'll stop helping now." He ended with a whisper.

"I'm not condoning murder, but the JSA would have captured Rip without regard for sentiment."

"You think I let Rip go, because of sentiment?"


"All right, let's all just take a breath." Nate recommended.

"I'm sorry that your grandmother's friend got killed. And it may be sentimental, but my team comes before tactics."

Second Coming...-Nate HeywoodWhere stories live. Discover now