Wild West...

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"Saved by a filly. Ain't that the damndest?" Hex asked as we walked back to the bridge.

"A simple thank you would suffice." She told him.

"How'd you know I needed saving?"

"Because we got an alert that history was being changed, and the coordinates led us to your hanging." I told him.

"Well, I guess it's nice to know that I matter."

"Leaving already? I didn't get to shoot anyone." Mick complained as he entered the parlour.

"I need a drink." Hex grumbled in a very Mick like fashion. "Where's Rip?" We all looked down at these words.

"He's MIA." I told him.

"Who in the sam hill are you?"

"The name's Alexa. I'm Kendra's sister." I explained to him. He just nodded in response.

"Damn. How the hell do you miscreants manage not to get yourselves killed without him?" Hex asked, not sarcastic at all.

"Sara's been serving as captain." I told him.

"But, she's a lady." He looked at Sara. "You are a lady, right?"

"You know I could take your life just as easy as I saved it." She told him.

"Oh, fiery. Whoever breaks her is in for a wild ride."

"Too bad this fillie's into other fillie's." Mick grunted from his chair.

Hex nearly choked on his drink. "You don't say."

"So, how did you end up in the noose?" Sara asked concerning the more pressing matter.

"Well, I was collecting the bounty on a pissant by the name of Quentin Turnbull."

"As in Turnbull County?" Nate asked as he entered the parlour. I rolled my eyes.

"Never heard of it." Hex told him.

"That's because it's not supposed to exist. This book's changed since the last time I saw it." He shook the book in Sara's face. "Check this out- Gideon."

"Right away." Gideon pulled up a map of America in the current timeline.

"That's a map of the United States in 1876." We all turned our attention back to Hex.

"Who is Turnbull?" Sara asked him.

"Two- bit, yellow bellied cattle rustler."

"Who controls all the land west of the rocky mountains." I said, staring at the map. "Looks like we found our aberration."

"Am I supposed to have the faintest idea what the hell that means?"

"It means that we need to stop Turnbull from taking over the west." Sara explained to him as simply as she could.

"Looks like you got yourself a posse partner." Mick said to the man. Sara left the parlour followed closely by Hex and Mick, leaving me and Nate. I was about to follow the group when Nate stopped me.

"Hey, is everything okay? You've kind of been giving me the cold shoulder again." He gave me a small smile.

"You keep throwing yourself into danger and every time you do it, I freak out. And every time you do it, you're okay. But one time that's not going to be the case and I'm terrified of looking over my shoulder, waiting for that time to come."

"That's not going to happen. I have powers."

"And until 3 weeks ago, you didn't have control over them. What if something happens? You rely on these powers too much." I scolded him before walking away.

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