Zombie! Zombie! Zombie!

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"Nice job blowing up the time pirate's escape pod." Ray congratulated us as we entered the bridge. "Put another win in the mission column."

"Ray, did you not see what happened next?" I asked him.

"No, I took a break. Had to go to the bathroom." I sighed. "You okay."

"We were attacked by zombies." Mick grumbled. "And someone put sprouts in my sandwich." He looked at Ray with hateful eyes.

"The time pirate's distress call referred to something called TX-90." Stein told us. "It's a futuristic bioweapon. The infected's condition strongly represents those things... that... I can't say."

"And if that infected time pirate is out there spreading this virus, then our work is not done here." Sara added.

"No kidding. Having zombies, or whatever they are, running around the civil war is not a good thing." Nate said concerned. Beside him, Mick collapsed.

"Speaking of not good." Ray pointed our attention to Mick.

"Get him to the medbay." Sara instructed him. Me, Ray, and Stein obeyed, picking him up and carrying him to the medbay.


"What's going on?" Mick had regained consciousness when we brought him to the medbay.

"Apparently, you were wounded during our encounter with the infected." Stein told him, clearly frightened.

"Impossible. Those creepy bastards didn't land a finger on me." He defended himself.

"But they may have gotten a tooth. Or 30." We opened a wound on Mick's shoulder. Mick suddenly grabbed Ray's wrist and pulled him close to him.

"Oh my god. He's already starting to turn." Stein said frantically.

"Ray, you gotta fix me. I don't want to be turned into a frickin zombie."


"Raymond, please hurry. I don't like where this is going." Stein told the other scientist who was trying to make a vaccine for Mick.

"You don't like where this is going?" Mick asked from the medbay chair.

"How close are you to making a workable vaccine?" Stein asked, disregarding the arsonists statement.

"Very. I think." He put the liquid into a needle and we walked towards Mick. Before he could inject it into Mick.

"Raymond, I'm counting on you."

"Don't worry Mick. I got you." Ray reassured him before injecting him with the serum. It only seemed to make Mick worse.

"What's happening?" I asked him.

"His heart rate's spiking. Gideon, administer the sedative now." Ray instructed the AI. Mick busted out of the medbay chair.

"Zombie! Zombie! Zombie!" Stein screamed as we tried to get outside of the medbay.

"Screaming isn't helping!" I yelled at him. Ray grabbed a flash gun and pressed the stun button before screaming at the AI again.

"Gideon put the ship into lockdown mode!" Gideon obeyed and everything went dark.

"Lockdown mode activated."


It's getting hard to update long chapters because I have a lot more to do lately, so I'm asking you guys if you rather have one long chapter or 3 shorter ones. Also at the end of season two would you want Alexa to go to the time bureau or not?

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