Dwarf star vs. man of steel...

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"Sara, what do you want me to do?" I asked her.

I heard her sigh through comms. "Brace yourself." As if on cue Jonah Hex entered the saloon.

"Turnbull!" Everyone turned to face Hex.

"Well, if it isn't the great Jonah Hex himself." Turnbull greeted the man. "Whoo you got quite a pair on you to walk into my establishment like this. You're like a cockroach. Hard to kill."

"I'm takin' you in." Hex told him. He pulled out two six shooters. "Alive or dead." He cocked the guns. "Your choice."

"I choose dead." At his words, practically everyone in the bar pulled out a gun of their own and pointed it at Hex. "Actually, Jonah." He pulled out his own gun. "I'm glad you decided to pay me this little visit. You see, I've been working on a little something. It seems that ore that I discovered," He put a special bullet in his gun. "Well, it's got special qualities." He pulled the trigger, but Sara lassoed him, sending the bullet into the wall behind Hex, completely exposing it to the outside of the saloon. All hell broke loose after that. It was a lot of kicking, blocking, and punching.


We all ran out of the hole in the wall to meet up with the rest of the team.

"Why do you guys get to have all of the fun?" Jax asked us as we took cover behind a wagon.

"We just got back from Turnbull's mine." Nate told us as Turnbull's cronies shot at us.

"The reason for the aberration? Turnbull's digging up dwarf star." Ray finished for Nate.

"Get back to the ship!" Sara turned around. Turnbull fired a shot which shot straight through the wagon.

"That's right, run you yellow-bellied cowards!" He shouted at us. We returned shots with Turnbull shooting again, going straight through another wagon.

"Finally some excitement!" Mick yelled as he approached Turnbull.

"Mick no!" I yelled at him.

"And here I thought you and I were gonna be friends!"

"I don't have friends." Mick said as he resumed fire on Turbull and his men. Unfortunately, he was out of bullets. Turnbull aimed the gun at Mick and fired, but Nate stepped in front of Mick and steeled up. The bullet went straight through him as it had done with the wagons, and soon, Nate was bleeding on the floor surrounded by a pool of his own blood.

"Nate." I rushed over to Mick who had picked Nate off the floor. "Nate, are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm the man of steel, remember?" I fired my gun as me and Mick dragged Nate back to the ship.


"Gideon, prepare to run diagnostics." Ray told Gideon as we put Nate in one of the medbay chairs.

"What's to run? I've been shot!" He yelled at Ray.

"Remind me when you're not bleeding out to tell you I told you so." I put the sedative administer on Nate's wrist.

"The bullet has lodged itself between several of Dr. Heywood's internal organs."

"How's that possible? He's made of steel?" I looked at Ray who looked just as clueless as I was.

"Because it wasn't a normal bullet." Sara said.

"Yes, I know it's not a normal bullet, but he's still made of steel!" I snapped. I let the tears stream down my face.

"You seem overwrought, Miss Saunders. I'd be happy to prescribe you with a sedative."

"Shut up Gideon!" I yelled at the AI before storming out of the medbay. I really needed to hit something.


I was in the training room letting out my frustration on a punching bag when I heard Ray's voice from the doorway.

"You're punching that bag like it just killed you." I looked over to him. His arms were crossed over his chest and he was giving the judgemental big brother look.

"I told him." I punched the bag. " I told him what would happen if he got too cocky with his powers and look where he is now." I said in between punches. "Bleeding out in the medbay."

"You know he saved Mick."

"I would've traded Mick's life in a heartbeat for his."

"You don't mean that."

"Maybe I do." I stopped punching the bag. "Nate is my boyfriend. He means so much to me. And- and you don't think that Mick wouldn't have traded in all of our lives for Snart. Am I supposed to believe that you wouldn't do that for my sister? I know for a goddamn fact that Sara would do it for Laurel. Savage traded in mine, Kendra, and Carter's lives for power. So yeah, I do mean it. Because I know everyone on this ship would do the same." I started to push him lightly. Eventually, he grabbed my arms and pressed his body against mine. I tried to fight back with tears streaming down my face, but I wasn't strong enough. Eventually, I just gave in and cried in his arms.


I love writing books for you guys, but I rather be watching the season finale for legends rn. Sadly, I don't have live TV in the Catskills, so I have to wait for tomorrow and hopefully not run into any spoilers.

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