G. Lucas...

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"Oh my god." I muttered.

"It's Rip." Sara finished my statement as we stared down at our captain who was talking to two of our villains.

"Don't worry. We got you, Rip." Ray assured him.

"Who the hell are you guys?" He questioned us in an American accent. Something was wrong. Very wrong. Especially if he was with Darhk and Merlyn.

"We don't have time for this." Darhk said, opening fire on us as we tried to fight back.


"Ray, how well can you fly the waverider?" Sara asked Ray over comms. After failing to get Rip back, he was arrested, so Mick, Stein, and Sara were on a rescue mission to get him out of there.

"Thought you'd never ask." He responded, resulting in the remaining of us strapping in.

"Wait, you know how to fly the ship?" I asked him.

"Sure do. I just have to channel my inner Han Solo. Gideon does most of the work." He admitted.

"She does?" Nate questioned.

"I do." Gideon responded to Nate.

"Where to, cap?"


"All right, we're here." Sara told us when she made it to the roof of the precinct.

"Get to the cargo bay." Ray said to Nate and Jax who immediately did so.

"Ray, do not crash my ship." Jax instructed. "You break it, you buy it!" He yelled over his shoulder as the two ran off.


"So, have you thought about where you want to go on our date?" Nate asked as we sifted through books.

"To be honest, with this crazy mission, I haven't even thought about it." I admitted. "Can you just surprise me?" I pouted.

"Fine." He smiled at my childish response again.

"Hey, what's up?" Ray interrupted us by walking into the library.

"Sara asked us to find any physical descriptions of the spear that might help us find it. She thinks Rip had it with him when he traveled to 1967."

"And she, um, also wants you to work on figure out a way, um, a way to reverse the effects, um, on Rip since he came in contact with, um..." He snapped his fingers. "Time drive."

"I've brought up the time drive's schematics for you, Doctor Palmer." Gideon said, earning a chuckle from Ray.

"Well, how do you expect me to understand any of that?"

"Uh, maybe using one of your four PhD's." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I don't have four-"

"What's wrong?" I asked him, concerned.

"It's like I should have memories that aren't there, and I should understand what this is, but I don't."

"Yeah, I feel it too." Nate said, snapping my attention towards him. "It's happening right now. I'm reading this book about 'Santarion Long-inises' and it's just a bunch of words."

"How long have the two of you been feeling like this?" I confronted the two men.

"Since uh..." The two deliberated together. "Film set." They eventually said.

"Rip's film? Sara had Jax recover what he could find." I held up a piece of evidence. "G. Lucas. As in George Lucas?" I asked myself. "Ray, you said that Star Wars was the reason you became an inventor, right?" He nodded. "And Nate, you said that you became a historian because of Indiana Jones?" He nodded. "Wait, but that means..." My voice trailed off. "Gideon?"

"You are correct, Miss Saunders. As of today, George Lucas is no longer enrolled in film school."

"And if he drops out of film school, he never makes these movies, you never see them, and then you guys choose completely different paths in life. Am I right, Gideon?"

"Yes, Mr. Heywood and Mr. Palmer chose entirely different professions in their life."

"Gideon, tell Sara to meet us in the parlour, now."


"Apparently, George Lucas is an aberration." I told her.

"He's not the aberration. The Legion of Doom scarring him is the aberration." Ray corrected me.

"An aberration that directly impacts our life." Nate added.

"Okay, calm down. Take it back." Sara instructed.

"Gideon thinks that the Legion's attack on Rip's film set caused George Lucas to quit movie making. As a result, he never made Star Wars or Indiana Jones."

"And we care about this because..." Sara's voice trailed off, waiting for an answer.

"In the unaltered timeline, Mr. Palmer sees 'Star Wars' as a child, and is inspired to become an inventor. Likewise, Dr. Heywood chooses to be a historian after seeing 'Indiana Jones' instead of becoming a yoga instructor."

"Oh, man." Nate groaned in annoyance.

"Wait, so you're telling me that because some film geek drops out of school, my inventor and my historian are now essentially useless?"

Yes." Nate said.

"Hey." Ray countered.

"If the aberration is not corrected, yes."

"We need to fix this now."

"I fear you may already be too late. As of today, George Lucas is no longer enrolled in film school."


Hi! First of all, thank you for 2K reads. I appreciate all the support tremendously. Second of all, if you like this story and want to read more like it, I'm leaving a suggested list of my stories down below.

If you like arrowverse GXB stories, I recommend

Storm Surge-Jefferson Jackson

The Other Palmer-Arianna Palmer

The Pain and the Pleasure-Leonard Snart

Cloaked Heart-Behrad Tarazi


A Sky Full of Stars-Ray Palmer

He Loves me, He Loves me Not-Barry Allen

Yours Truly-Wally West

The Forgotten Canary-John Constantine



One of a Kind-Cisco Ramon

If you just like GXB stories, I recommend

I'm Yours-Jake Puckerman

Adore You-Ryder Lynn

Can't Help Falling in Love-Mike Chang

Thinking Out Loud-Artie Abrams

Feel My Love-Sam Evans


I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope that you decide to check these other ones out. Have a great day!

*** NOTE

Note that stories with OC character name (ex: PERFECT STORM-Katie Jackson) have more than one love interest in the story.

Second Coming...-Nate HeywoodWhere stories live. Discover now