The Einstein's

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"So, what do we do now?" Ray asked. We had reconvened in the parlour.

"We drink." Me and Mick responded.

"It's not like we were exactly Time Masters. Even with Rip." Sara reminded us.

"But, I think that he knew one day we might have to do this without him." Jax said.

"And we all heard his message. He wanted us to keep going." Ray said lightly.

"We have to keep going. There is a rogue time traveler out there somewhere." Stein not so lightly reminded us.

"Yeah, a time nemesis whose idea of fun is helping Damien Darhk and the Nazi's blow up New York City." I told them.

"What's to stop them from going back in time and kidnapping Einstein and his wife again?" Ray asked.

"We can't be everywhere at once." Mick grumbled before taking another bite of his sandwich.

"But you can safeguard the Einsteins." Nate told us. I could tell he had an idea, but I couldn't tell what it was.

"Safeguard the Einsteins?"

"By making one small alteration to history."


Me, Sara, Ray, and Jax were waiting for the rest of the group to return.

"Ah, how'd it go with Einstein?" Jax asked as the rest of the group approached us.

"Good. Until someone gives the confederate army machine guns, or breaks Mozart's fingers, or-"

"One aberration at a time." Stein told him.

"What do you guys say we get out of 1942?" Sara asked us.

A gun cocked behind us "Not until you answer a few questions first." a man in a star spangled outfit told us.

"We're the Justice Society of America." A woman in gold and black told us.

"And you're coming with us." A man wearing bulky glasses and a red leather suit added. Two more people appeared next to them. One was wearing a blue and black outfit with a hood and cape, while the other was wearing a star spangled leotard. Everyone looked at the group in awe, but Nate's eyes were fixed on the man in a star spangled outfit.

"Oh my god. You're commander steel." Nate murmured. The man jumped off the platform he was on and landed in front of Nate and myself.

"Who the hell are you?" he asked Nate.

"Woah, woah, let's just relax. We're all friends here. Rex Tyler told us about the JSA. You guys are awesome." Ray said from somewhere behind us.

"Hey. The name's Jax." Jax said to the woman in the star spangled leotard. She ignored his comment.

"Rex never mentioned any of you."

"Mind telling us what you were doing impersonating OSS agents?"

"It's quite simple actually. We were protecting Albert Einstein from Nazi Agents who were attempting to kidnap him and force him to build an atomic bomb in the future." Stein explained.

"Time travel. It's hard to explain." I pulled him back closer to me and whispered in his ear.

"Stop talking."

"You can take all the time you need. In custody." the woman in gold and black told us. The man in the star spangled outfit readied his weapon.

"Whoa, take it easy. Let's just talk for a minute. After all you're my-" Nate didn't finish that sentence. The man in the star spangled outfit punched him. Before I could hawk-out he shot me. Then, everything went black.

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