Here we go again...

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"Do you have any idea what's going on out there?" Felicity asked.

"It's a real life Spielberg movie, and we're stuck in here. Why can't you just let us out, Lex?"

"Because I'm not about to get killed by Oliver and Barry when we get back."

Cisco scoffed.

"Okay." Felicity said. "I think I know what's really bothering you. Both of you."

"I'm having the worst case of FOMO while everyone else is out there kidnapping an alien?"

"My boyfriend is being overprotective and making me do this while he tries to kidnap an alien with Mick?"

"No. I think that Cisco, you escaped 2016 to escape Barry. And you, you're mad at Barry and what he did, and you're just placing blame on the first thing that you can find."

"Cisco first."

"Excuse me." He sat up off of the floor. "I escaped 2016 so that I could come see the waverider and so that I can time travel."


"And also, yes, I wanted to get away from Barry." He admitted.

"Ah! You realize that's insane, right? You're holding a grudge against your best friend when the world is potentially going to end."

"I'm sorry. My 'best friend?' He only killed my brother." We both gave him looks.

"He didn't kill-"

"Okay, you're right. He didn't literally kill my brother. What I mean to say is, he was responsible. Okay? He just needed to save his family, and in doing that, he ended up destroying mine!"

"Preach Cisco!" I egged him on.

"You know, all this time traveling, fighting aliens, this is the stuff I used to dream about as a kid."

"Yeah, me too."

"You guys are lucky. I dreamt of an immortal Egyptian god who liked to murder me and my sister." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Okay, your turn." Felicity sat across from me.

"I came because I signed up for this."


"And I needed to get away from Barry."

"Look, Barry had good intentions to try to save his family-"

"And might have desecrated mine in the process! Maybe before Flashpoint, my village didn't burn to the ground when I was 5. Maybe warlords didn't liquidate the remaining population. Maybe, my mother wouldn't have just grabbed Mari and ran. Maybe me, Mari, Kendra, and Kuasa wouldn't have been separated in foster care. Maybe my foster mother's boyfriend would have abused me and Kendra. Maybe I wouldn't be living with a giant hole in my heart every day. Maybe Kendra's life force wouldn't have been connected with mine."

"Maybe you wouldn't have joined the waverider. Maybe you wouldn't have met Nate."

"And I would have been willing to risk that to end my family's suffering!"

"You don't mean that."

"I do. I do mean that Felicity. You don't know my life, you don't know the shit I've been through, so back the hell off."


"Crap, crap, crap, crap." Felicity said as we walked down to the cargo bay. We had just watched Mick and Nate be abducted, but not by dominators. By government agents. "Where do you think they're taking them?" She asked me.

"Those men in black are probably going to take 'em to a secret lab and run experiments on them." Cisco answered. "Have you seen Stranger Things?"

"A little too much TV Cisco." I told him.

"Life imitates arts, Lex."

"I saw a military base while we were landing. They probably took them there." They grabbed weapons from the cargo bay. "We are so screwed." I said underneath my breath.


We took down all the guards and busted down the door where Nate and Mick were being held.

"Oh yeah. Yall call for tech support?" Felicity asked.

"Great. Saved by geeks." Mick grumbled.

"Who you calling a geek?" I asked him. He just grunted in response.

"Waverider's ready to take us back to 2016." Cisco told them. We left the cell and were about to flee when we heard the dominator shrieking.

"If we leave him here, they're going to kill him." Nate pointed out.

"So what? He's an alien." Mick reminded him.

"Just cause they're douches doesn't mean we have to be too." Cisco defended Nate.

"Well..." Felicity started.

"We gotta send him home." Cisco insisted.

"How?" I asked him.

"Don't we have one of their ships aboard the waverider?"

"Yeah, but it's damaged." Nate told him.

"Felicity's gonna help me fix it." He told Nate.

"I am?" She questioned. She noticed the look on Cisco's face. "I'm gonna help him fix it." She told me, Nate, and Mick."

"See?" The dominator shrieked again.

"Oh that doesn't sound good." I commented.

"Guys, it's up to us to show the dominators we're better than this."


We busted in the door where they were torturing the dominator. "Probably why it's screaming." Nate turned to steel and knocked the agent out while I knocked out a doctor.

"Don't worry. We're going to get you out of here." I told the dominator.


"Bye." Cisco said as he watched the pod go back into space. "He didn't even say thank you." He complained.

"What is that?" Felicity asked Cisco regarding the remote in his hand.

"I think it's a transponder." He told her.

"Where'd you get that?" She asked him.

"I may or may not have stolen it." He admitted. "From his ship."

"What does it do?" She asked as she took the transponder out of his hand.

"I think we can use it to communicate with him when we get back."

"Oh my god, like an alien pen pal." Felicity said, clearly excited.


"You kids finished?" I asked from behind them. They got up. "Gideon."

"Yes, Miss Saunders?"

"Prepare for um,"

"Time jump." Nate, Mick, and I said simultaneously.

"Course plotted for Central City, 2016." The ship took off and into the temporal zone. Here we go again.

Second Coming...-Nate HeywoodWhere stories live. Discover now