Second coming per se...

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Ray's POV

"How is she?" Sara asked me as I walked into the bridge.

"Not good. I dragged her to bed. Hopefully she can get some rest." I stood over the computer. "Anyway, I think I know how Turnbull's going to make his own country. When I saw how much dwarf star ore he had in that mine, I started to wonder how he could transport such a heavy shipment?" Sara nodded. "He'd have to use-" Hex cut me off.

"The railroad."

"Okay, get to the part where we care, Ray." Sara told me.

"I think he's gonna use the railroad and the dwarf star to... wait for it."

"I don't want to wait for it." Sara told me.

"Close Summit Pass." Gideon pulled up a map on the computer.

"Oh my god, Ray's right." Sara admitted.

"Thank you."


Alexa's POV

After Ray dragged me to bed, I slept. I slept for the first time in 72 hours. Something was off. I had nightmares all night long and I hadn't been able to close my eyes. Most nights I just went to the medbay and had Gideon sedate me, but even that wouldn't work. When I woke up, it was Nate by my side, holding my hand.

"Hey." He ran his fingers through my hair.

"What happened?"

"Apparently, you took everything out on Ray and he put you to bed."

"How long was I out for?"

"Just a few hours. When's the last time you slept?"

"Maybe 3 days ago." I told him.

"3 days?"

"Something is wrong. Everytime I close my eyes, I see Savage. Or I see him killing me, Kendra, and Carter. Or I see him in our first life confessing his love for my sister. I see the hawk taking over."
"You know that's not going to happen, right?"

"Right now? Yeah, but sometimes it's hard to see that."

"Hey," He spoke to me as I sat up. "That is not going to happen. Okay, you are strong. You are brave. You are the best woman on the planet, okay?" I nodded. "Okay?" He asked again.


"Come on." He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of my quarters. "Your friends in 2017 need your help."


"Team Arrow is here." She pointed to her team. "Team Legends is here." She pointed to us. "Is that everyone?" She asked a Harrison Wells look alike.

"I think so."

"Nate's back watching the waverider." Everyone looked at Sara confused.

"The newbie." I told them.

"If we're talking newbies, why aren't you with him?" Mick grunted.

"Because I've helped Barry and Oliver take down Savage before."
"And how did that turn out?" He asked.

"Shut up." I punched his arm. All of a sudden, a blue portal opened and Barry, Cisco, and an unknown woman walked through it.

"That was cool." She said to Cisco.

"Guys. Thanks for coming." Barry thanked us.

"Barry, I thought you were bringing an alien." Oliver said in his normal bruting voice.

"And yeah, we did." He signaled to the woman. "Everybody, this is my friend, Kara Danvers, or, as she's known on her Earth, Supergirl."

"What makes her so super?" Jax asked, not in the least bit impressed. She flew up a few feet in the sky and blasted lasers into the floor of the hangar.

"Yup, that makes her super." I said to Jax dumbfounded.

I could hear the excitement in Felicity's voice. "Best. Team up. Ever."


"Okay, I think I have this." Kara told us. She pointed to Oliver. "Oliver."

"Green arrow."

She pointed to Dig. "Dig."

"Spartan." He responded.

She pointed to Thea. "Thea."


"Okay." she moved over to us."And Sara." She pointed to Sara.

"White canary."

"Jax and Professor Stein."

"Firestorm." They said simultaneously.

"Ray." She pointed to Ray.

"Palmer. The A.T.O.M."

"Mick." She pointed to Mick.


She pointed to me. "Alexa."


"Kendra Saunders is Hawgirl." Barry said from by the tech nerds.

"Well, Kendra and I shared the name, but after she hung up her wings, I took the name. I'm a second coming per se." I explained.

Kara turned to the tech nerds. "And Iris, Caitlin, and Felicity."

"Whoo!" Felicity cheered her on.

Kara turned back to Caitlin. "And you have cold powers, but you can't use them?"

"You have cold powers?" Felicity asked Caitlin, shocked.

"It's a long story." She told Felicity.

"Okay, Cisco, we should probably get started." Oliver told the breacher.

"Okay, these are the dominators." Barry said, pointing to the creatures on the screen. "We don't know much about them."

"Except they're really strong." Kara told us. "I heard a lot of stories about them when I was a kid." She explained. "They came to my planet before I was born. They did experiments on a lot of people. Killed a lot more."

"Well, they're not the only ones with superhuman strength I hear. Barry says that you're more powerful than a locomotive." Thea said to Kara.

"We should use Kara as a stand in training." Oliver proposed.

"Since when is Robin Hood calling the shots?" Mick grunted.

"What I think Mick is trying to say is it would be nice if we knew who was in charge around here." I translated for the arsonist.

"Maybe we should take a vote." Ray suggested. "Choose a leader. Someone we can all trust."

"Well, I trust Oliver. He's got my vote." Cisco said from underneath the monitor.

I appreciate that, Cisco, but Barry put us all together. It should be him." Oliver stood up for Barry.

"Fair enough." Cisco said underneath his breath.

"Okay." Barry struggled. "Cool, all right, well, I guess as Team Leader, first thing to do is start out by," He looked to Oliver for help who mumbled underneath his breath.

"Doing a test run."

"Let's do a test run." He repeated Oliver's idea. "Yeah, let's do a test run."

"Against supergirl."

"Against Supergirl, all right? Test run against Supergirl."

"Are we just supposed to pretend like we don't hear him?" Sara pointed to Oliver and I chuckled at her point.

"So just suit up." Barry ignored her question. "Mm-kay? Look alive."


I apologize for the next few parts. They are most likely going to be chaotic because of the crossover and I don't even know how I'm going to write Alexa into it. Please just reach out if you have any suggestions/ideas that you want me to use. Hope you enjoy!

Second Coming...-Nate HeywoodWhere stories live. Discover now