This for that...

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"Hubba hubba who's that?" Nate asked as he walked into the library. I ,not so lightly, hit his arm before I answered him.

"Professor Stein's wife. Jax is at her hotel explaining why she has to spend her birthday alone."

"Wait a minute, if he used everyone's favorite talking computer to find her..." He trailed off. "Gideon, do you have the location on Damien Darhk?"

"Unfortunately, I have no intel on his current whereabouts."

"But, we know where he's gonna be." I reminded Nate.

"His little side deal with the Soviets is going down at the state dinner tomorrow night."

"Which is probably the most heavily guarded dinner in all of history." Gideon added.

"I think we might know someone that can help." My mind flashed to Todd.

"Is that so?"

"One of our old JSA buddies, and, by old, I mean old."

"He may still have some government contacts we can exploit."


"Absolutely not." Todd told us when we offered this to him.

"Whatever Darhk is planning to exchange with the Soviets, it can't be good." I told him.

"Well, I'll contact the FBI. You don't have to worry about it."

"Except we do." Nate said. "Darhk's working with a time traveler. That's way out of the bureau's league."

"I believe this time traveler killed Rex." I told him.

"All the more reason to stay clear of the state dinner." He countered. "You can't remain professional."

"Are you kidding me? She's nothing but professional." Nate defended me. "She's all about being professional."

"My grandmother was going to leave the JSA with Rex, wasn't she?" I asked him. He just nodded.

"And this is why I'm reluctant to help you. Because your emotions are clouding your judgement."

"She won't be facing Darhk alone." Nate reminded him.

"We need your help." I told him. "I know you feel like we abandoned you, but please, don't abandon us."


Eventually, it was time for the state dinner. Todd had agreed to help us and we were walking into the dinner where Todd greeted us.

"Thank you for helping us get in." I thanked him.

"Feels good to be back in the game." He admitted.

"I don't see Damien Darhk anywhere." Sara told us.

"He'll be here." Nate reassured her.


"You alright?" I asked Sara. "You seem tense."

"When you find Rex's killer what are you going to do to him?" She asked me.

"Well, there are two options; incarcerate him or kill him. I'm leaning towards incarceration." I told her.

"You could kill him."

"My grandmother was a member of the JSA, or at least it was when it existed and she wasn't in Zambesi. I'm not a vigilante. And neither was she."


"Mick, Ray, guard the exists. And everyone else, get ready to move." I followed her as she exited the dining hall and went after Darhk.


We had located Darhk and were currently fighting him, his army and the Soviets. Everything was good until I walked out to Todd. Damien Darhk turned a gun on me and pulled the trigger, but Todd jumped in front of the bullet before it could hit me. I caught him and held him in my arms.

"Hold on Todd, okay? Just hold on." I told him. "You took a bullet for me." I said in realization.

"For Amaya's granddaughter, it was nothing." He smiled.


"Are you sure you won't come with us?" I asked him. "Rex's killer is still out there. We could find him together."

"I think last night proved my fighting days are over."He told me.

"You were amazing out there." I told him proudly. "I bet it felt like old times. But, there's something keeping you here in 1987, isn't there?"

"After the JSA disbanded, I spent a lot of lonely years until I finally met someone, Alexa. And he's waiting at home for me."

"I have ameliorated Mr. Rice's injuries."

"That's incredible. Wow." He told me while slowly getting up. "A word of advice from an old man who's lived long enough to see the world change, and mostly for the better; If you are ever lucky enough to find love, embrace it." It must have been kismet when Nate walked through the medbay doors.

"Are you leaving already?" He asked Todd. "I was hoping we could have a beer."

"Oh, unlike you my time is limited, and I don't need the carbs."

"I do." I said, taking a beer from Nate's hand. "I haven't had anything to eat or drink all day."

"Goodbye Todd." I hugged him before he walked out of the medbay doors watching me and Nate.

"Come on." Nate dragged me out of the medbay.

"Where are we going?"

"To the kitchen to get you some food." I smiled. How did I get so lucky?

Second Coming...-Nate HeywoodWhere stories live. Discover now