Sibling rivalry...

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"Who installed alarms?" Mick asked as he walked into the bridge annoyed.

"That'd be me." Nate raised his hand.

"We should kill him."

"We got another one?" Jax asked as he and Stein walked into the bridge.

"Yeah, and judging by these reasons, it's a major one." Nate said, looking at the scans.

"Is there really cause for all this alarm?" Stein asked. "Perhaps the aberration isn't as large as we think."

"The temporal tremors originate from Union Station in Chicago Illinois, October 17th in the year 1927."

"That's fantastic." Stein's demeanor changed. Jax hit his shoulder. "I mean I- I've always wanted to visit the roaring '20's right in the middle of Prohibition."

"That means no drinking." Mick grumbled. "That's not good."

"Well, actually, under Capone, Chicago was a hotbed of vice." Nate explained. "There was illegal drinking, gambling, prostitution."

I punched Nate's arm. "Don't encourage him, babe."

"Well then, let's fire up a tub and get there." Mick encouraged.

"Grab your fedoras, 'cause we're going to the 1920's."


I smiled, leaning over the railing of the train station where we were all at, waiting for Ness to arrive. "I can't believe we're here."

"What are you so happy about?" Mick asked me.

"When I was younger, I'd read my mother's magazines, and I'd see photos of Chicago. I'd never thought I'd see it with my own eyes."

"Well, keep those eyes open on whatever's causing those temporal tremors." Sara reprimanded me over comms.

"Copy that." I heard Ray say. Then, it happened. We had Ness and then we lost him.


"What the hell happened back there?" Sara asked the boys. "How come you didn't stop him?" Sara turned to Stein.

"I'm sorry, I got distracted."

"By what?"

"Tell her grey." Jax told him.

"It's not the professor's fault." Nate said before Stein had the chance to answer. "Ray let Ness walk right into Capone's hands."

"They were police officers, and who's to say they didn't take him to the FBI like they said they would?"

"Gideon, pull up the Chicago Chronicle, October 24th, 1931."

"Ah, yes, the day Al Capone originally went down for tax evasion, only in this version of history, he becomes something far worse than a criminal, he becomes a politician."

"Al Capone becomes mayor?" Ray asked. "Okay, I take it back, Ness is probably screwed."

"Well, let's find out where they took him, so we can unscrew him before this happens." Sara told us.


"Any luck finding Ness?" I asked Nate as Mick and I walked into the library.

"By the time you find Ness, he'll be swimming with the fishies." Mick said bluntly.

"Mick, you beautiful genius, that's it." Nate complimented Mick.

"About time someone noticed."

"Gideon, set the course to shipping harbor dock 39."

"What makes you so sure he'll be there?" I asked him.

"In the '20's, dock 39 was where Capone brought all his enemies and tied cinderblocks to their feet and tossed them into the harbor. It became known as the Cadavers Cove."


"Special Agent Ness has suffered severe hypoxia. It will take some time to reverse his brain damage."

"You can undo brain damage?" I asked.

"Why haven't you helped Rory out?" Nate added.

"Who says I haven't?"

"All, right." Sara said to me, Nate, and Ray. "Let's get serious. Obviously, somehow Capone somehow knew that Ness would be the one to take him down."

"When we were at the docks, Capone said something about new friends." Ray informed her.

"But we have a bigger problem. I mean, another problem." Nate corrected himself. "This week, Ness and his team are supposed to obtain Capone's ledger from his bookkeeper. Now, the IRS's case against Capone for tax evasion is completely dependent on that ledger."

"Which Ness can't grab while he's lying here from brain damage." I concluded.

"Exactly, which means one of us has to take his place."


"That's a stupid idea." Mick grunted.

"It's pre-internet." Nate defended his idea. "Nobody knows what Ness looks like."

"Nate's right, I got this." Ray reassured him.

"Actually, I was thinking I got this." Nate told us.

"Well, yeah, if the mission was impersonating Brad Pitt, you'd be the man, but I think we can all agree if anyone here looks like a G-man, it's me."

"Well, we're in this situation because you learned history from a movie." Nate argued back.

"All right, enough." Sara yelled at the boys. "Ray, I'm sorry, but Nate knows more about this area than any of us." She sighed. "What's the plan?"

"Okay. So if Capone's ledger is anywhere, it's probably at his primary speakeasy, the Chelsea Club, so Ray and I will go to the bureau, assemble Ness' team, lead him to bust the place up, grab the ledger."

"Great, take Mick with you."

Mick coughed loudly. "Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. Does this face look like a cop to you?"

"If this were a JSA mission," I said, remembering something I read on JSA protocols. "We'd probably also send someone undercover at the bar."

"Well, I'm not doing that either." Mick grumbled. "I'm done playing dress up."

"Fine." Sara gave in. "I'll go to the club with Lex, Jax, and Stein, and you can stay here, drink your beers, and watch over Ness."


Sara and I walked around handing out cards and poker chips. "This place is quite lively, considering we haven't seen a single bottle of alcohol." Stein pointed out.

"Well, Nate said it was a speakeasy." Jax said.

"Yeah, that's why it's called a," I started.

"Speakeasy." Sara and I said simultaneously as we waved our hands.

"You gotta know how to ask for the good stuff." I explained.

"Ah." Stein flagged down the bartender. "I'd like a club soda, please." He said in a voice I don't even know how to describe. The bartender nodded and walked off.

"Here's what I wanna know." Jax said. "Why would someone from the future be interested in helping Capone?"

"Well, we're here to find out." Stein took a sip of the drink the bartender had just set down in front of him. "Ugh, this is just a club soda." Sara, Jax, and I all rolled our eyes.


"Ray, Nate what's your status?" Sara and I set down our trays.

"Be careful. We're coming in. Don't get caught in our net." Nate warned. Stein, Sara, and I started to walk out, but were surprisingly greeted by Damien Darhk.

"What are squares like you doing in a place like this?" He asked us.

"You." Sara breathed.

"Jefferson." Stein and Jax went to merge, but there was a streak of red lightning. And then black.

Second Coming...-Nate HeywoodWhere stories live. Discover now