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I woke up, well I don't know how much later. I looked to my right and I saw Nate laying on the other medbay chair. Next to him were his grandfather, Stein, and Sara. I slowly got up. All three pairs of eyes focused on me, so I stopped.

"What happened to him?" I asked, still tired from the meds.

"He got into a bomb crash. He's a hemophiliac and he doesn't have a good chance of surviving."

"Oh wow." My eyes widened. Just then, Ray stormed in.

"I think I can save him. With this." he held up a small blue vial.

"Is that the Nazi serum that created that hideous biserker? Are you mad?" Stein asked while Ray injected the serum into Nate.

"Sorry, what? Last thing I remember we were getting out of 1942. And what Nazi beserker?" I asked them.

"We'll explain later." Sara said.

"I did a little tinkering to the formula, so-"

"So what will it do now?"

"With any luck save his life." We looked at the vitals chart and his vitals started to improve rapidly.

"His vitals are improving. He's stabilizing."


Me and commander steel were waiting with Nate for him to wake up before the JSA returned back home.

"Sorry I shot you before. Spur of the moment impulse."

"No worries."

"So, what I said before, are you two together?"

"We just met." I chuckled. "But, I can tell he's a good guy. Don't know for sure, but someday there could be something there." I looked at Nate. He then started to wake up.

"Oh, it's about time, sleeping beauty. I was afraid you wouldn't wake up in time for me to say good-bye." Henry told Nate.

"And here I was afraid I wasn't going to wake up at all." Nate responded.

"I was afraid of that too,"he told him.

"We both were." I corrected. I assume he didn't know I was there because his body shot up a little bit. Hopefully it was in excitement.

"I'm sorry if I didn't live up to the version of Commander Steel you dreamt of meeting."

"Nah, I like the real version better."

"You mind stepping outside for a minute?" Henry asked me.

"Not at all. Glad to meet you sir." I held out for him to shake and he shook it.


"Knock knock." I said knocking on the door to Sara's quarters.

"Hey what's up."

"Fill me in. What'd I miss?" And so she did. Highlights include; Stein becoming captain, JSA dying, Nate almost getting wiped from existence; Nazi bar fight; Nate and Vixen getting kidnapped; Sara taking over as captain; working with the JSA; the bombing with Nate and his grandfather; getting the amulet; giving it to the JSA; and taking down Kreiger.

"Wow. That was a lot. And I was only out for a few hours, right?"

"Yeah, by the way, as your captain I am telling you to check up on Nate." I laughed.

"You know you suck, right?"

"You love me."

"Fine, captain, I'll go check on Nate."


When I got to the medbay, Nate was sitting in the chair.

"Hey Nate, how are you?"

"Good. Coming to check me, Lex?"

"Lex? I like it. And Sara asked me to come." His smile faded a little bit.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For not being able to protect you."

"What do you mean?" I asked him curiously.

"The super Nazi Kreiger was headed this way, so I went out after my grandfather. Thought I could hold him off. I ended up here."

"Well thank you either way." I gave him a kiss on the cheek. I turned around when I heard a clenching sound. When I turned around, Nate was made of steel.

Second Coming...-Nate HeywoodWhere stories live. Discover now