What's done is done...

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"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked Nate as I walked into the library.

"A little side project I've been working on with Ray and the professor. Hmm." He got up after the device lit up with green. "It said that temporal aberrations call these things called timequakes. So, I started thinking, if there was a way of locating their epicenters, maybe we'll be able to fix the aberrations before they happen."

"My boyfriend, the genius historian." I smiled at him.

"Hey, have you thought more about seeing your grandmother again?"

"Yeah. I mean, I want to, but I can't without screwing up history."

"Maybe we'll run into her again."

"Maybe." Then, his machine went off.

"Huh, it worked."


"Where's it coming from?" Sara asked Nate.

"Washington D.C., December 7th, 1987. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue."

"So?" Mick asked from the corner of the room with his usual beer in hand.

"Dude, that's the White House." Jax said in a matter of factly sort of way.

"So what?"

"December 7th was the day before Reagan and Gorbachev signed the INF Treaty, reducing both countries' nuclear arsenals and paving the way for the end of the cold war." I told everyone.

"How do you know all that?" Jax asked me.

"Because, in one of my past lives, I was there during that day. That was when Savage was working with the Russian's right after project svarog failed. I was in meetings all day though, so I shouldn't be a problem."

"I share something in common with Miss Saunders. I was in the capital for that very summit. And similar to Miss Saunders, I was in meetings all day."

"You think someone might have traveled back in time to stop the treaty from being signed?" Ray asked us.

"That, or worse." Nate said. "Think about it, Reagan and Gorbachev under the same roof at one of the most volatile points in history?"

"I remember reading about a JSA training academy in D.C. I could reach out to the current membership, see if they have any resources or intel we could use."

"Good idea, but you shouldn't go alone."

"Why not?" I asked Sara. But, she never answered.

"I'll go with her." Of course Nate volunteered himself.

"Great, you two reach out to the JSA while the rest of us break into the most secure residence in the country."

"Yeah, I was also in the pentagon when my sister defaced that guard with her claws, so this should be easy for you." I smiled at her.


"I can't believe women wore these things in the '80's. I can't believe I ever wore these." I pointed to my shoulder pads.

"You look great either way."

"I remember in some of my other lives, especially from the 1900's, thinking and wishing that things for women would be better in my next life."

"Keep up that optimism."

"This is it." I looked at the abandoned warehouse we were standing in front of.

"This is the JSA academy? Inside a crummy warehouse?" I pulled down a sign and opened up a keypad.

"The JSA academy is hidden inside a crummy warehouse." I told him as I typed in the code.

"How do you know the code?"

"I don't, but there's a super computer on the ship named Gideon." We opened the door and inside was just as advertised, abandoned. "That's weird. The historical record from the original timeline never said that the JSA disbanded." I picked up a photo of the 1942 JSA members. There she was. My grandmother.

"Look, Lex, whatever happened to them, there's nothing you could have done about it."

"You don't know that." I looked at him with tears in my eyes.


"Here's another diplomatic cable from 1956 from the British ambassador warning the JSA about Soviet spies in their midst." Nate said. We'd been poking through files for the last half hour to see if we could find out what happened.

"And to think they thought fighting the Nazi's would unite the Soviets with the U.S."

All of a sudden, we were surrounded by darkness.

"Okay, what's this?" He asked me. I hawked out which gave me nocturnal vision, and I saw a cloud of black that formed into a person.

"Obsidian! We're not here to hurt you!" He pushed Nate out of the way and used his powers to take his costume off.

"Why did you kill him?" Nate got up and hit him over the head with something, knocking him out.


"Do you think I killed him?" We had moved Obsidian-or Todd to a couch in the facility. "I hope I didn't kill him. He's gotta be in his late 70's at least. Maybe he couldn't take the hit. Oh my god, I just killed a member of the Justice Society."

"Why are you whispering?"

"In case he's not dead he could probably use the nap!" He explained.

"I'm not an invalid. Just old." He sat up and Nate sighed in relief. "And you two, you haven't aged a day."

"One of the benefits of time travel." I explained to him.

"So, the loveable losers killed Rex Tyler."

"Wait, what?"

"We found Rex bleeding out at the headquarters. His last words were that he was killed by a time traveler."

"It's probably the time traveler we're hunting. None of our team killed Rex."

"Why would I believe you?"

"Because Amaya Jiwe is my grandmother."


"What happened to them Todd?"

"After our friendship with the Soviets ended, and we continued fighting in what was known as the 'Iron Curtain' descended over central and eastern Europe."
"Does we include my grandfather?"

"Right to the end." He turned to me. "After World War II, your grandmother went back to Zambesi and left the JSA. In 1956, President Eisenhower sent a team on a mission to Lepzig. They never made it back."

"Why didn't you go?"

"Leave it alone Nate."

"How do you know?" Todd asked me.

"We've got a supercomputer on the ship that's a little too well informed."

"They were concerned I couldn't be trusted." He said to Nate.

"Lex, Nate report back to the waverider."

Nate walked away while I stayed back for a second.

"I promise you Todd, we will fix this."

"What's done is done, Alexa."

"Not when you have a time machine. I'm sorry that Rex died, Todd. I truly am." He nodded and I followed Nate outside. 


Sorry, it's been a slow day for inspiration and I've been having trouble writing, so I don't think there will be another part of the story out tonight. I apologize for only two parts, but it was a busy day.

Second Coming...-Nate HeywoodWhere stories live. Discover now