"mine too. Can't wait till we get in 7th grade. It has the geography chapter about other continents."

"we'll go there one day, right?" she asks me.

"of course. We'll go there together and settle in and live there. I've seen in movies people in America don't live with their parents after turning 18. we'll go there and live in a big apartment on our own. just the two of us. "

"but we don't have the money."

"we'll pick a job that'll get us rich, simple as that."

We both smile thinking about what the future will bring. It's going to be happy for sure. I mean what could go wrong?

Current time

'yeah, what could have gone wrong.' I sarcastically say rethinking about my past self's quote.

I look back at the group of teenagers who were slowly disappearing in the crowd. I turn around to look ahead and my gaze follows the road again. Cap looked at me through the mirror for a second which I failed to notice. Then one question came in my mind.

"where are we going?"

"a museum."

"not really interested in seeing your house."

"very funny."

Then the bike gets slower and we stop in front of a place. I look at the big building and recognize it from the movie, it was Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. I stare at the building in awe because I was actually watching it in person.

'so cool!!!!!'

"you wanna go inside or just gawk at it from outside?" cap said waiting for me to get off the bike,

"oh yeah, sorry." I get off the bike and take off the helmet I was wearing as cap parks the bike, I give his helmet back and he hangs on the bike. He wasn't wearing any since he gave me his, not that he needs any. We go inside the exhibition and I can't take my eyes off of the place, everywhere I see it's Captain America and his history.

"so it is your house after all." I say laughing.

He shakes his head but I catch him smiling secretly,

"you once said you wanted to see it."

"I saw that. You think wearing a cap is good disguise?"

"it always works for me."

"good enough I guess."

He leads me through the crowd and I follow him and look around the exhibition, soon we come across an area where they showed life size picture of pre serum Steve Rogers and after he became captain America and people were comparing their height with those pictures. Curiosity takes over me and I also go to check my height.

"hehe look, I'm taller than you."

"that was me before I took the serum."

"still. Achievement is achievement."

"you're on your tiptoes." He says smirking.

"I gotta do what I gotta do."

"yeah sure." He says laughing and we move on to another section. We come across the wall that had portrait of the Howling Commandos and in front of it were their uniforms with captain America in the middle. I look at it with a fascinated smile on my face, I didn't want to miss a single detail, my gaze soon reaches a special someone among them. Bucky. My smiles disappears subconsciously as I see his portrait as I remember what happened to him.

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