57. Three's a charm

Start from the beginning

While I'd had a shower I felt a little swollen between my legs, no doubt from Jungkook last night... As I got dressed the small ache kept distracting me. I tried to ignore it, pushing the thoughts of him buried deep inside me out of my head.

I managed to keep them at bay, instead focusing on getting my stuff together for exams. I met the others back in the lounge.

As I do Jin is quick to notice me, breaking his conversation with Kookie to call me over.

"Yes?" I ask as I go over. "Before I forget, this is for you." Jin holds out a small fabric bag in his palm. It's a light blue and attached to it is a white thread.

"An Omamori?" I question, feeling my insides soften at the sight of it. What a sweet gesture...

"Goodluck for exams to be specific." He elaborates, I slowly pick it up from his open palm.

"Hyung, I didn't know you were so sentimental. That's a really nice Omamori" Jungkook's bambi gaze falls onto the charm in my hand.

"Having some extra luck doesn't hurt" Jin's words genuine. I carefully slipped it in to my wallet before giving him a hug and thanking him. I appreciated it, him coming to cook for me, giving me Goodluck, and just being here on such an important day.

"We better get going, don't want to be late." Hoseok chimes in upon checking his phone for the time and standing to come over.

"Alright, Jungkook and I still need to do a few things here. We'll catch up with you at the Agency later." Jin tells Hoseok before turning to me and gently running a hand through my hair. "Make sure you behave." I poke my tongue out at him shamelessly, he knew I was always on my best behaviour. What would make him to say such a thing?

"Really?" Jin scoffs, Hoseok laughs. Then, Jungkook slips in front of Jin, attention completely on me.

"Before you go, Goodluck today." He gently reaches behind my head, pushing my lips against his in a chaste kiss. My hands landing on his chest to stop myself falling forward. It was only quick but the feeling on my lips and the taste of him lingered as I followed Hoseok down to the car.

"I'm glad you two aren't acting weird around each other anymore." Hoseok says as we walk down the stairs.

"Me too. Can finally have some peace of mind" I reply. After everything that had transpired between us, was that actually now true?

"Not gonna lie. You two are cute together, ya know. Wouldn't mind sharing you with Jungkook some time." Hoseok teased. I felt a shy wave wash over at his brazen comment.

"Like you did with Yoongi?" I glance at him, now nearly at the back door of the club.

"Yeah. That's if you want to, of course." Hoseok stopped as we reached the door, giving me a little wink before reaching for the handle and holding it open for me to walk out first.

"Hmm. But, you and Jungkook are both so... Dominant. You really think it'd work?" I was curious to see where this conversation would go. At first I'd thought he was teasing but, I remembered back to Christmas with Yoongi and I was immediately reminded that he meant it.

"He can be dominant but, he can also be soft and submissive. You know what I'm talking about, right?" I got in to the car with Hoseok, making sure to put my seatbelt on as we continued the interesting talk we were having.

"Yeah... You mean the soft little bunny smiles and the innocent sparkle he gets in his eyes." I reminisce on a time before Jungkook and I had such a turbulent relationship.

"I remember back when we'd sit in the convini store together chatting and giggling over Raman. He'd been more shy back then... Even blushing once in a while. These days not so much, he's more... assertive" was the word I chose to use.

Before They Were Bulletproof // OT7 BTS FF x OC ᵖʳᵒˡᵒᵍᵘᵉWhere stories live. Discover now