32. Smutty Christmas Sope

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Smutty Christmas Sope 😌 🎄🎁

The groceries Hoseok and I lugged back to the dorms was making my arms ache under the weight. We may have gone a tad overboard in our excitement for Christmas Eve. We hurried back to Yoongi who was halfway through cooking up a storm. He still needed a few ingredients before he could finish cooking dinner.

Hoseok and I burst through the front door groceries in hand. Yoongi looked over from the pan he was stirring. "Huh, why do you have so many things?" He questions as we drop everything onto the coffee table centring the main room.

"We picked up a few extra snacks and drinks. It's only Christmas once a year. Might as well enjoy it" Hoseok beamed as he started unpacking the plastic bags.

"How's dinner coming along? It smells so good" I was practically drooling over the delectable scent filling the room. "Shouldn't be long, Hobi, can you pass the chilli?" Yoongi was totally in his element as I watched him chop the chilli and mix it into the pan.

Hoseok went over to the laptop on the table and put some upbeat tunes on and we got busy with helping Yoongi cook and putting everything away.

"I think it's nearly done, Jia, what do you think?" Yoongi asked. I packed the last bottle of Soju in the fridge and went over to him and peered into the pan. He took a spoonful and blew on it a few times before holding it out for me to try.

He watched me intently as I took the spoon in my mouth to taste. It was a spice enthusiasts dream. "This only further confirms my theory" I said as I finally swallowed the morsel.

"And what's that?"

"That you're perfect boyfriend material" I giggled. "Don't change the subject, how's it taste though?" Yoongi rebutted trying to hide any fluster he may have felt. Hoseok just laughed as he came over and took the spoon from Yoongi, he gave me a small wink before he went to try it for himself.

"Yep. It's Perfect. I'll help you serve up". Yoongi looked please with himself as he took the spoon back from Hobi. "I'll get the drinks ready!" I called as I went back over to the fridge.

Hobi set cutlery whilst Yoongi transferred the dishes to the table. I poured the shots and took the seat on the floor cushion beside Hoseok. His charismatic aura had well and truly returned over the holidays and it felt kind of nostalgic being with these two at the dinner table again. Only this time instead of bbq we had a scrumptious looking homemade meal from Yoongi himself.

"Jia, what's with the smile?" Yoongi's question pulled me from my trance. "Huh? Oh... I was just thinking about the time we first met. And how far we've all come" I explained. Hoseok threw a tiny smile my way, I felt him reach over to rub small circles on the side of my leg.

"Don't get all sentimental on me now, we haven't even started drinking yet" Yoongi mused. I took that as my cue to grab my shot and get the night underway.

"Yeah you're right, I'll save it for later" I laughed.

"Cheers!" And just like that the festivities began.

Nothing fills the stomach with joy quite like a home cooked Korean meal. After we were well and truly full we decided on playing some drinking games.

"It's only right we play truth or dare" Hoseok leaned back on one arm, his cheeks slightly flushed but a playful grin on his face. By now I knew he didn't exactly have a strong tolerance to drinks. It was cute though.

"I guess, it could be interesting" Yoongi rubbed at his chin as he mulled it over. Hoseok cocked his head to me and waited for a reply.

"I dono, every time I play this game it ends in chaos" I laughed, fiddling with my empty shot glass on the table in front of me. "Hm? Like what?" Yoongi questioned. I thought back to the time I'd played with Jimin, Tae and Jungkook... I'd ended up making out with all three of them.

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