40. Criminal History

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Yoongi had already left this morning. I tried to persuade him to let me cook him breakfast but he was adamant he couldn't be late for whatever it was he rushed off to do.

I'd checked my phone to see a message from the newly crowned ice prince himself.

JK: Meet me out the front of campus studios at 10 am.

I didn't have class until after lunch but, part of me wanted to text back something along the lines of 'screw off' with a smiley face emoji for dramatic effect. But, the only reason he was asking to meet was because of that assignment we had. I would prefer to get it done sooner than later.

I reluctantly got up and went to shower. He really could have just asked nicely... I didn't get why he was being so mean these days. Maybe it was just hormones like Jimin and Tae had theorised. Maybe I'd try and get a bit more out of him today. But, at the same time, I didn't want to rock the boat. Too much had happened lately and I didn't want to stress myself or anyone else out further.

I stopped at a cafe along the way and got two freshly squeezed orange juices. It wasn't my usual but this fresh sunny weather was giving me fruity tingle vibes. The campus has always been lush but this time of year it was undeniably stunning, the way the wind rustles the leaves. Every breath I take as I stroll through the campus filled my senses with subtle garden aromas.

Jungkook was leaned up against the brick wall of the building, eyes searching the paths until he spotted me. Despite the slight biting of his lip, he appeared indifferent as I approached.

"The teacher said we could use a room to work on our assignment. Let's go" He turned on his heels abruptly before I even had the chance to say hello. I kept silent and followed behind him, I watched the back of his head look both ways as he read the numbers on the doors. Finally, he stopped at number 13 and used a key he had in hand to open it.

I followed him inside. The room looked identical to the one the rappers used. Jungkook sat down at the computer and turned it on so I set my backpack down on the couch then pulled up a seat beside him.

"Here, this is for you" I set the extra drink I had been holding on the desk. "Oh... Thanks..." he glanced down at it, seeming caught off guard.

I gave a tiny nod, sipping at my juice quietly. Jungkook opened up the production software on the computer before taking a sip too.

"So... How are we going to do this?" He asked, swivelling around to face me but leaning into the side of his chair and staring off into the distance. I could tell he felt awkward.

"If you want, I already have a song I've been working on. We could just finish that and submit it. Would save us time." I suggested. I'd been thinking about it since we got assigned the project but hadn't had a chance to tell him until now.

"That could work. Do you have it here?" Jungkook nodded along, supposedly open to the idea.

"Yeah. It's on my laptop." I moved to grab it from my bag and unfolded it up on the desk in front of us. Jungkook sat quietly as I opened up the lyric file along with a beat that I'd been fiddling around with arrangements on.

"I began writing it as a group song but it could be rearranged" I pressed play on the beat with the lyrics pulled up. Jungkook recited them out aloud against the beat a few times to try and get a feel for it. His voice sounded so nice on it.

"You wrote all this yourself?" He turned to look at me after getting about halfway through.

"Uh. Yeah," I answered, unsure if he was liking it or not. "Okay. It's good. Let's work on it a bit more and submit it for our assignment" he finally said.

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