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Dreamswap by the way

It was only a fight. An argument. Why did he run away again? Oh ye.. He was too mad to face his problems. A weak coward. Now, he's just here sitting on a hill.

His legs dangling on the air as the cold night air hit his face. Hair waving with the flow of the breeze. What made it worst was it was February so it's still snowing and it's the worst time. There's most likely to be a snow storm. The snow falling from the sky for it just to fall down on the ground. Snow piling up on him. His hood warming him by only a little.

Looking down at the kingdom his brother had. The light of the kingdom shining down from below. Spending the night alone before Valentine's day is truly sad. Nightmare could of at least brought a scarf with him. His body shivered from the cold temperature.

The fight was about him being friends with the so called manipulator. Nightmare knew how bad it was gonna be for being friends with blue, yet he still did it. The risk was just too high, but he let curiosity get over him. Curiosity does kill the cat.

"Hey, there little night night" A familiar voice called after him. Nightmare rose his head. Error and cross was probably right.. As always. Nightmare stood up and tried walking away "You probably think they're right, don't you?" That stopped him from going any further. Blue came closer and hugged his neck from behind. Not anywhere, just content to be where they're at. It was... Comforting? Why couldn't he get anything right. Get it together nightmare! He's blue. A manipulator..

Blue's chin sitting on his shoulder. Letting their breath freeze and become a small visible steam of cloud. "They were.. They were so quick to judge.." A skin itching tear spilling down his cheek. Blue only sighed and said "They we're just like everyone.. So quick to judge before even meeting you. They threw balls of papers and garbage to rocks and pieces of glass towards you.. Didn't even think before doing such abuse towards you"  It was all true. What blue said was all nothing but facts that came out of his mouth. Nothing but honesty.

When the warm hand left him. It began to be cold. The hand then returned to him on his shoulder then sliding on his arm like a snake. Holding his hand then putting a pair of gloves on both his hand. His hood was pulled down and let a scarf engulfed his neck. Bringing him nothing but warmth. The scarf let all the bruises be hidden underneath it. The hood was then lifted back up.

The hand going to his stomach. "You don't need them.. You have me" Blue spoke with a calm tone. Nightmare was in blue's arms and it was nice. Blue could help him, blue would stay with him, blue could take care of everything. Nightmare didn't need to worry about anything, anymore. Whether for the good or worse, he didn't care anymore. He was done taking care of everything around him. Nightmare could rest now.

More tears running down his face. Blue only wiped it off. Blue only smiled and looked at the distance. A calm face as he comforted this broken guardian who was forced to become a God because of his foolish brother's choice.

Nightmare turned around to face him. Looking up to see his beautiful azure eyes. Those blue eyes reminded him of the oceans waves. Just like a vast sea. Freedom that he could never have. The owners eyes only chuckled, curious to what the god was thinking of.

Without warning at all. Nightmare wrapped his hand around blue's chest. Sobbing on him like a child returning back to his lost mother. Blue snaked his arms on his prey as he let him cry on him. How could a god be this fragile? Letting nightmare become like glass and vulnerable to him.

"You belong here"

-~•°At The House°•~-

"Cross! Aren't you a tad bit worried?" Error only look towards the window as he friend played the stolen Xbox angrily. "He knew what he was dealing! He should be able to fix it! It's not our fault that.. We let him alone.. And be friends with a manipulator.." Cross looked at the other controller. Feeling guilty and he let guilty destroy his anger. "Yeah! Yeah, we should" Cross stood up and walked towards the door. "I'm sure he's not that far away"

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