Missing Love(HuMaN aU) unfinished

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(I have caught cute human nightmare syndrome, also put CC on for lyrics. The CC looks cool)

As cross drew across the paper, ink stood up and look at cross. "Why don't you come and join the star sanses? I don't really think this world can be brought back. There's no samples for me to help you bring it back.." a moment of silent pass as they look at each other. Cross broke it with a sigh and just got up. "Fine.. You ask me several times that I've gotten tired of this request.." He reached for the painter's hand and made a handshake. "Finally! Trying to convince you for a year. Y'know it's hard to convince people, right?" Ink stretched his bones. "For you that is"

Ink pouted then spilled ink at the floor. "C'mon.." They both jumped in the puddle. Cross screamed in fear as he entered the puddle. He felt the ink around his body as he slid. The way was like a water slide. Holes were at the portal and showed different Au's. Suddenly a hand from one of them reached and grabbed cross's hood. "What the-" He was pulled up. "I'm never doing that again" Ink just laughed at him while cross kept telling him to shut up ad they entered the building.

That day from now on, cross joined the star sanses and fought evil.

"Nightmare.." Dream was in front of nightmare, standing. "Yes, brother?" The younger twin look up and close his book. Setting it on the grass. "I.. I want to leave and join the star sanses" The breezed pass them. The leaves and grass swayed. Birds tweet and flew across the sky or were at the ground, Peking the dirt and collecting eatable bugs for them or their babies. The villages chattered and made noise, such as: walking or running around, and the children laughing. "What?"

"I don't want stay here in this village forever. I want to go around the multiverse and spread happiness! I want to see new things! I want to change! I'm not into child's play anymore.." Dream talked to nightmare. The black haired boy stood up and yelled back to him "But we promised mother! We promised her that we'll protect her! She needs you! I.. I need you.." Tears were swelling and slid across his cheeks. "I'm sorry nightmare.. I just.. I don't want to." "Hey dream! You done yet?!" A boy with a blue scarf yelled to him. "Yeah! I'm coming!.. Bye nightmare.. I'll try to visit."

Dream walked away. Nightmare  dropped to ground and tried to reach his brother with his hands. "Brother.. Please. No.." The tears blurred his vision as he saw dream enter the portal. "Please.. Don't go.. Don't go away. You promised.. You promised that you wouldn't leave us.... You promised you wouldn't leave me.." By the time that lunch hit by, dream was gone. A group of men surrounded nightmare.

In the end he was left all broken. The abuse lasted for about almost five years. In that five years, dream didn't visit. Even once he didn't visit. He wasn't just abuse.. He was violated too. His mother couldn't do anything in this form. She was just a tree. All she could do was help him climb if safety was needed from the villagers and hide him in the leaves.

Suddenly certain tall man with scars on his eyes that goes on opposite direction. He came walking to the small boy. Nightmare sat beside his mother. Hugging his legs and looking at the grass as it swayed. Nightmare look up at the tall man. His eyes showed how broken he was. "Child.. I will show you the light if you join me. I will give these villagers what they deserve you." Nightmare was surprise.. Without hesitations, he grabbed the older man's hand.

As he stood by the man. A random button appeared with the word "Rewrite". He carried nightmare and signal him to press the button. Nightmare nodded and press the button. The villagers children suddenly passed out and died, the grass and flowers began to wither, the cries of the adults for their children was getting louder. Suddenly an earthquake accured. The buildings fell and crushed the living ones.

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