A tale of a Dream(2)

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Nightmare was in his room, sitting on his bed at the corner.

His bed was at the bottom right corner with a nightstand next to it, at the bottom left was the door, between the bed and door was a clock. In front of Nightmare's bed was his closet, the other side was a shelf and at the middle top was his table for learning or reading. The only window was the window in front of the table.

Midnight strikes and the door opens. Letting in loud yells from the kitchen, he didn't know how his other siblings slept through the noise of his father and uncle. "Can't sleep little dude?" One of his uncles entered his room. "Uncle Fresh!" Nightmare got up and jumped to his uncle, hugging him. "No.. I can't." He whispered. "Don't worry, your radical uncle can help you slee-" A louder yell came from the kitchen.

"He's six god dammit! You have to be his father! Stop leaving him for your work!"

"Okay, let's close the door." Fresh pushed the door close with his foot. He set his nephew down on the bed. His brother's were fighting again. Can't they argue somewhere else? There's kids sleeping for Faith's sake! "Uncle Fresh, can you read me a bedtime story?" "Sure thing, my radical nephew can get some cool bedtime stories." Fresh walked over to the bookshelf, trying to pick a good story.

Fresh picked ____ (I can imagine sorts of chaotic books you commenters can make) Sitting down at the foot of the bed, he read Nightmare the story until he slept.

He saw his nephew sleep comfortably hugging his stuffed toy. The stuffed toy was just a small white plush ball with a smile on it's face and some purple fabric on the bottom for the body. Setting the book back to the shelf, Fresh turned off the lights and quietly close the door. Fresh saw his big brother next to the door, on the floor, sitting down while hugging his knees.

"Got him to sleep?" His older brother asked and got up. "Yep, how's Error? Ge-bro" Fresh tilted his glasses down a little. "Same as always, all grump up and stupid.. And didn't I tell you to stop calling me that?" They continued to walk down the hallway to the livingroom. Geno sat down tiredly. Fighting with his brother took the energy out of him. Fresh sat down beside him. "He's literally neglecting Nightmare, he's been ignoring him since he was five , and Nightmare is taking it like it's normal. I've seen him want attention so badly to him! Error should really take a break from all this destruction and look after his children! I know he isn't their real father, he just took them in a young age and made them think they were their dad. I really wish Ink could stop creating just because he got some storage left.." Fresh patted Geno's back. "There, there.. Error's first plan was just to help them grow to be detractors to help him do destruction, but neglecting Nightmare was not part of the plan. This isn't radical" It was late and their eye socket began to drip into sleep.

Geno opened his eye sockets. Seeing three little monsters, and his younger brother recording. Geno knew that something bad was happening when he's getting recorded. Running to the bathroom, he saw his face all drawn. "FRESH!!!" He shouted in anger.

The triplets: Horror, dust, and killer were now at the corner. Fresh was getting hit constantly by his older brother.

The triplets were the middle children of the siblings. The oldest one goes by the name of Cross. He has a red permanent scar on his right cheek just like Nightmare, except Nightmare's wasn't red.

Cross walked in the livingroom and saw his brothers at the corner with his uncle wiping his face while hitting his other uncle. It was the middle of the morning and he had to wake up his youngest brother who always overslept. Insomnia was a shit in his brother's ass. Why can't his dad just buy him sleeping pills?

Walking to his brother's bedroom, he opened the door, and saw his little brother. He carried his little brother and patted his back. "It's time to wake up, Nighty" Nightmare only groaned and hugged Cross's neck. Going back to his sleep. Cross sighed and walked out the room.

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