Harsh Chemicals (Bonus Chapter)

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Warning: Gore, Triggers, Sensitivities, You know what kind of $h¡ţ you're getting into, etc.

Fell stared into the small goddess who was getting his daily treatment. Once he was buckled up and his bandages taken off, he was ready. Sci grabbed the small knife and some bottle vial.

Fell knew nightmare for the exact decade he'd been working with sci.

Years ago, sci was different. He was.. He was caring and didn't had this sadistic side of his. "What happened.." Those questions sounded more of a statement, for he actually had known of what had happen.

7 Years ago before the capture

Sci mix Chemicals with one another, getting different results, sometimes the same. He was taking notes if all of it.

He had a partner and it was fell. They worked together as lab partners. They wore matching lab coats, they experimented together, and took notes. They were practically best friends!
But one day...

They were attack and threatened by nightmare for some kind of potion and medicine. Sci had agreed nervously but fell knew... He knew it wasn't out of fear.. It was out of flusteredness.

As sci ran to the cabinets trying to find the right item, fell read the expression of his partner's face. Sci had this blue tint and this awkward smile on his face. Once he returned to the other he had given the items.

Nightmare had left and when he did, he saw his friend looking down giggling, blushing. The smile he had grew bigger.

Sci held tightly on fell's arms and it took him by surprise. "Did you see how cute he was?! He maybe was frowny but once you see him smile, you'll never forget it!" Sci took his hands off fell and onto his own cheeks blushing while saying everything about nightmare. Just nightmare!

Fell grew worried about his partner but let it go. Everytime nightmare came by and threatened them, his friend gotten worst. Day by day, week by week, year by year! And finally..

"Fell.. You'll help me right?.. You know I was in love with nightmare for years.."

"Sci, No! Hi-His one of the bad sanses!"

"And what does have to do with everything? All we need to do is kidnap him and brainwash him.. Easy, right?"

Fell had didn't knew what to do.. But when he finally did.. He helped him. Fell was his best friend and he was caring so maybe sci can change nightmare for the better and good.

5 months later

Once they finally captured nightmare they had him in an asylum. Fell saw everything he did from the view of the glass. He didn't knew his friend would go this far to hurting nightmare...

After a week of nightmare's capture, the bad sanses had a truce with the star sanses so they could find nightmare. Fell didn't want his friend to be in prison and locked away from him forever, so he helped the scientist hide the smaller away from the others. Including dream.

7 Months Later

Fell had a present for nightmare's birthday. When he entered the room of his friend so called lover he saw nightmare on the bed laying down with dull eye light. Of course he could only see one of them. Bandages all over his limbs.. Fell saw a huge crack leaking out from the bandages of nightmare's skull.

Nightmare's Love AttentionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant