The old man has the audacity to show no fear, this means he challenges me. Very well.

I start punching him and I throw him across the room. This is a way to show him mercy for his disrespect, again. I was about to let him go until I noticed he still locks eyes with me even though he is on the floor. He really is challenging me. I have given him two chances now I'm done. It's time I stop playing nice Alpha.

I wouldn't lay a hand on a female unless they try to kill me so I won't touch his wife, but him? He will die!

I pick him up from the floor and throw him on the table, at this point I don't care who does what or says what. I'm already covered with rage.

"He's going to kill him." I hear a voice that sounded like Lydia's but my eyes are now clouded. My focus is on removing the threat.

I beat him up for not only disrespecting me, my mate and my title. I'm beating him up for his wife's disrespect too. My wolf enjoys me banging his huge stubborn head on the table. I love that he isn't a bleeder, meaning I can make less of a mess.

"He refused to submit to his Alpha. He could've prevented it." My mother says calmly. Her voice sounding like she doesn't have any worry in the world. I love her words.

"Christian don't." I hear Raven in the background.

Christian wants to intervene but he knows he can't. He knows it's the rule to never stop an Alpha from punishing his subjects.

This goes on for a while. My claws now extended as I cut through the man's shirt. My wolf is ready for a kill and I am about to give him full control. And that's when I heard a voice of an angel.

"Shane that's enough." As if on command my wolf stops and directs his attention to our mate.

I get confused when my eyes meet hers. Normally when someone calls me disturbing me from my punishment, they endure the same punishment. I hate being questioned but when it's my mate my hands are tied, I could never hurt her.

"Forgive him, he is your friend's father. He is a member of our family and you are hurting more than him." She says her voice demanding and strong.

I am both furious and stunned. She didn't say your family, she said our family. She cares for him and me, her actions are of a true Luna. She has the patience than I was never blessed with. I am more than proud of my mate at this moment.

I fight back my wolf so that I can gain full control again. He hasn't had enough of seeing his blood. As soon as I feel I am in control I order my guards to take the two former Betas to their respective rooms. I want them to be separated to punish them but I don't think Christian will be happy about that.

I told everyone else to leave because the dinner wasn't exactly all jolly now.

"Don't do nasty things, we eat on the table Shane." My mother says before taking her leave. She and my aunt have always given me nightmares from the birds and the bees as a kid. It made me want to run from girls. I almost did until I had a crush on Lydia.

I think she is a bad parent and I'm a bad brother because I did the same with Grayson.

Right now it's just me and Zhavi in the room. Everyone has left and I needed to be alone with her.

"That was... something." Is the first that came out of her mouth. It was something, I feel bad for ruining this dinner. It was supposed to be special for a special person.

"I'm really sorry, it's supposed to be a happy day. One of the happiest and special days spent with you." I reply sitting down on a chair that was once Raven's.

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