Confidence and Arrogance

Start from the beginning

Yatsuhashi : You make a good point, Far too many huntsmen and huntress's have forgotten that fact.

Yu : Precisely in my home Heroes were paid by the government and as such we were civil servants, So the safety of the general public should always be our highest priority.

Blake : You world seem's like a very open minded place.

Yu : Oh yes but it was not perfect, But that is a story for another time for now lets get to class, Oh and Ruby ?

Ruby : Yes ? 

Yu : Please try to pay attention to Professor Port, He may be long winded but every story he has told you is true.

Ruby : How do you know ?

I smiled and just left the room and walked toward the main campus.

(Timeskip to lunchtime)

(Blake pov)

We were all sat in the cafeteria having lunch and i was enjoying my book, but for some reason i couldn't help but sneak an occasional glace at Yu who was enjoying a cup of tea. I am aware of how handsome he is but he is a human and not all human's are very accepting of the Faunus.

Velvet : Oow stop you're hurting me

My head shot up and i saw Cardin being a prick and pulling Velvet's ear while his team mates laughed at Velvet's pain. I saw Yu rise from his seat and walk up behind Cardin and tap him on the shoulder.

Yu : Excuse me but what the hell do you think you are doing ?

Cardin didn't even turn around to face Yu and that was probably his first mistake as Yu reached out and grabbed Cardin's wrist and snapped it like a twig, He quickly let go of Velvet and started to howl in pain.

Cardin : Argh my arm you scum bag what was that for ?

Yu turned and pointed at the rest of CRDL then locked eye's with Jaune who stood and activated his quirk and almost instantly shot behind them and held them back from helping their team leader.

Yu : Now you piece of crap how do you like being victimized ?? It's not fun is it ??

Cardin : Argh let me go you maniac !!

Yu got really close and looked him dead in the eye.

(Yu pov) 

I was mad, Really mad that this asshole was picking on someone without any mercy so i decided to make an example out of him. I activated Orcinus and backed Cardin against the wall.

Yu : You think a cute bunny girl is a freak huh ? Then what about me ?

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Yu : You think a cute bunny girl is a freak huh ? Then what about me ?

Cardin looked very scared by what he was seeing but also he looked full of hate.

Yu : I think you need a time out to think about your behaviour.

(Blake pov)

I saw what he did and was completely without any explanation as to how he changed like that my eye's were locked on him as i had never heard of any Faunus who was able to fully transform like that.

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