Sai and another damn fight

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I woke up to feeling a minor rumble. Daki and Haku were also awake but Eri was deep asleep. I got up.

"The front entrance was opened. I'll go check it out. If I call for you, just come and bring Eri okay?" They nodded as I grabbed my kunai pouch.

I ran out of the room to the front. Father was also here, spinal blades out and ready to attack. I raised a hand, recognizing the chakra.

"Relax. It's Sai. One of my brothers!" I cheered as I put my kunai away and ran to meet him. I tackled him into a hug, having missed my little artist.

"Sai-nii! You're finally home!!!" His eyes widened.

"You're back little blue." He hugged me back, a tiny but real smile on his face. Father narrowed his eyes but stayed back. I grabbed Sai's hand and began to drag him.

"Ome on! I'll introduce you to all our new siblings and my daughter and girlfriends!" He blinked.

"What?" He looked so confused.

"I adopted a kid and got two girlfriends. Oh and found my bio dad who is currently glaring at you." I stated, gesturing to Father who was busy putting his spinal blades away.

Sai slowly nodded. I looked up. "Girls! Come here!" Their footsteps were fast as my gis entered the room, Daki in her attire from her world, showing a lot of skin, making me blush a bit.

Eri was on Haku's hip, rubbing her eye. I cooed as I took her. Sai looked between us.

"You do look very similar. Nice to meet you all. I'm Sai Otsutsuki. Her brother." I noticed his use of my last name and smiled brightly.

"Daki may you send a mental message to the other demons? Tell them to come meet Sai?" She nodded before focusing.

Her and Gyuutaro no longer stayed the same after we left their world. They mellowed out and stopped conjoining their bodies. In battle they would to insure that they would be safe but still. Right now he was with Akaza.

The demons got here very fast, Douma with a sour expression. I frowned. "What's wrong Douma?" He looked up.

"Thag yellow blonde brat said I was like Sasori-dana! That I can't really feel emotions! It's not like that! I just don't understand emotions very well." He pouted as he stabbed a finger into his head shaking his brain. I sweatdropped.

"I'll talk to Deidara. He shouldn't say that." Douma grinned as he pulled his bloodied finger out.

"Thank you!~" He chirped. I ket them all intermingle and saw Eri sitting with Kokushibo, stars in her eyes as he read a book. I smiled. Cute.

I left the room to grab my old cloak and talk to dad. I made my way to his office slipping my cloak on. The warm fabric smelt of dust and salt from the sea. I snuggled into it. I knocked on the door.

"Come in." I opened the door and saw mom sitting next to dad doing paperwork.

I grinned and hugged mom. "Hi mom." She smiled down at me. "Hello Sakura. What do you need?"

"Can I have a mission? With one of the demons?" Dad's eyes seemed to turn to slits.

"We have one mission. You can take the black and green haired make. Gyuutaro I believe." I nodded. "You're to head to the hidden mist and kill this man." He slid a peice of paper in front of me.

I looked it over. There was a male with brown hair and amber eyes. One eye had a long scar on it. He was oddly plain looking. I nodded.

"It won't take long." I left the office with the picture heading to the living room. Eri and Kokushibo were playing. He was really good with kids. I tapped Gyuutaro's shoulder and he turned.

"We have a mission. I'll lead the way as you don't know the terrain. We have to kill this man." I gave him the picture as Eri looked up.

"You're going to hurt someone?" The air became filled with tension.

"Yes Eri. We are in a world where people die daily. It's nothing new, but some deserve it. You may not like it but it's the truth. I'm sorry my dear."

She looked me in the eyes for a few seconds before nodding. "I trust you mama."

I smiled and looked at Kokushibo. "Take care of her for me would you?" He nodded.

"I will."

Me and Gyuutaro left the base and he followed me through the thick trees. We caught a few animals and humans for him and me to eat and made a fire when the sun started going down. I cooked a rabbit as he ate a man raw. I just smiled and wiped the blood off of his face.

We laid down to go to bed on some makeshift hammocks. He had made his out of his blood demon art somehow and I used my chakra like a web. I fell into a light sleep, not being in the safety of the base.

I woke up as several chakra signatures began to creep around us. I acted sleepy and walked to Gyuutaro's hammock, shaking him.

I sent a mental message telling him to get ready to fight. He got up, releasing his blood demon art on the hammock. His sickles formed in his hands as I pulled out my katana, sliding into the water breathing stance.

Sure enough, a group of Konoha shinobi surrounded us. I sighed. It was the senseis and Yamato. They all wore matching smirks.

"You're surrounded Sakura and weird dude." Kakashi called out. "Come peacefully. Now." I groaned and looked at Gyuutaro, letting my hand bang on his chest. He patted my head, glaring venomously.

"Oi Oi Oi. You're a nice looking dude. Tall. Nice face. You get a lot of ladies don't you?" They sweatdropped. "People like you piss me off. Die." He stated before unleashing a device attack.

Poisoned blood sickles flew everywhere. I cursed. Gyuutaro was weaker than all of them. But he was immortal. I quickly injected a crap ton of blood into his system, causing him to yelp.

I looked up. "You'll need that."

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