Chapter 8

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Sakura's POV:

I got back to my house after the long day and yawned. I went to open the door but noticed it was already slightly open. I knew for a fact that my parents were either at work or doing something else.

I summoned my sword and gently yet firmly grabbed the hilt. I silently opened the door the rest of the way and snuck threw the halls. I made my way to the living room and saw a sight I had hoped to see later. I didnt want to join them yet.

Kakuzu and Hidan were both sitting on the couch waiting. I tried to creep back outside to find sensei to help get them out only to back into something hard. Now Hidan stood behind me a dangerous smirk on his face.

"Hey bitch." I had been scared at first but now I was pissed.

"What did you just call me?" I asked slowly.

"I called you-" I cut him off by kicking him between the legs. He fell down cursing heavily. Ignoring him I turned to Kakuzu.

"Would you like some tea?"


After they explained what they wanted, I began to think. I could join them now, but I would be weak and I still need to find Her.

"How about a deal, hm?" Kakuzu looked curious and Hidan look very bored. "I will join, just not now. I'm still weak and I need to find someone. Then I'll join and they can help as a medic."

Kakuzu grunted before nodding. "That seems reasonable." I smiled.

"Feel free to stay in the spare rooms. Im sure you dont want to have to rent a hotel."

With that I walked up to my room and grabbed my money. I placed all of it in my pouch and prepared to go to the weapons shop.

Meanwhile in the councils room:

"Hokage-Sama? I've heard of a new blood recently and would like to know why we weren't informed of who it is." A random civilian council member stated rudely.

The clan heads went tense. Sakura was too young to be forced into CRA. Danzo also looked curious but stayed silent. The hokage sighed. He was getting a bit too old for this and he still had no one to take on the role of fifth hokage.

"Fine. But only because she needs to train to control it." Danzo smirked and wait for him to finish so he could go along with his plan. "Sakura Haruno was discovered to have two kekei genkais. One, something like the akimichi clan, but with rapid regeneration and a large bolt of lightning to signify her transformation." Most people looked skeptical and Danzo couldnt stop ginning darkly, gainin weary look from many people.

"And second, another form of explosion release." Now everyone, even clan heads looked appalled. The civilian side began to shout about the "brat" most likely being for Iwa.

"Silence!" The hokages hands hit the table hard and everyone went silent. Danzo lost his grin and put on a tactical face.

"Hiruzen, if you dont mind I could train her." He was inwardly smirking thinking the hokage would say yes. The clan heads didnt like the idea of the young child being trained by a man like Danzo.

"No. She has a sensei already and passed her test. With flying colors. Kakashi will train her not you. I dont want her turned into a mindless tool."

"What?! But Hiruzen-"

"No buts. My word is final! This meeting is over!"

Back to Sakura:

I scanned the blade holders with a critical eye. None of the ones in that area would match my blade so I moved to another part of the store.

"You've been looking for 30 minutes kid. What do you need here?" I jumped slightly having been to engrossed in finding the right one.

Behind me was non other that Genma Shinarui. How many people am I gonna meet today?

"A simple blade holster for my katana." Genma nodded.

"Thr name's Genma. And let me see the blade so I can help you out."

Shrugging I held out my empty hand and Genma raised an eyebrow. I summoned the sword startling him for a second before he examined the blade.

A second later he looked up.

"Wait here." He walked behind the counter, and into the back room. A few minutes passed before the door reopened and he had something in his hand.

"Here." I tried it and it fit perfectly. I took my sword out and placed the scabboard on the counter.

"How much for it?" I asked with a smile.

"258 dollars." My eyes widen slightly and I pull out the required money. I placed 300 on the counter. Ganma counted and tried to had some of it back.

"You gave me too much." I grabbed the scabboard.

"No I didn't. Think of it as a tip for helping me out." Before he could force me to take my money back, I was out the door.

"Bye Genma-San!"

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