The meeting

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One week later

I slowly opened my eyes, yawning sleepily. I spotted mom next to me still asleep. Dad was behind her, hugging her. I smiled and got out of bed. I walked to the kitchen and began to cook. I made a traditional american breakfast. I placed it on the table and walked out of the hideout.

I took a seat on a large stone. I sat there for maybe an hour, thinking before Tobi walked out and sat next to me. "Are you ok Sakura-Senpai?"

"Hm? Oh yeah. Just thinking." He got up and walked into the forest coming out after a minute. He had a flower, which he placed in my hair. I smiled at him.

"Thank you Tobi. Or should I say Madara?" He froze. A second later he was holding me up by my throat choking me. I gasped, trying to breathe. My throat began to burn, his gloves rubbing at my skin.

"How do you know that?! Answer me!" His voice had lost the kind edge, replaced by an angry, deep voice. I tapped his hand, my face going blue.

He let go and dropped me on the floor. I gasped for air, seeing steam rise from my sore throat. My wounds healed very fast, and I raised my eyes to meet Tobi's gaze.

"I-I a-accidentally o-overhead you and my dad." His glare seemed to have lessened as he gained a confused aura.

"Your dad?" I paused. We hadn't told anyone yet. We were waiting to drop the bomb randomly.

"Hehe.... I wasnt supposed to say it yet so please don't tell anyone. Pein and Konan adopted me." He once again froze, but this time, crouched down and checked my healing neck.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know." He pulled out a roll of bandages and wrapped my neck, making sure it was tight, but comfortable.

"It's fine." He held out a hand and I grabbed it, getting up. We walked inside and I sat on the couch next to Itachi who turned to stare at me. I moved closer, reading a part of his book with him.

After a second, he stopped staring and flipped the page. We read for a little while. I eventually laid my head down on his lap. He glanced at me and ran his hand through my hair slowly. I was about to fall asleep when Hidan and Deidara walked in arguing.

I grumbled seeing them freeze at the sight of me. Fear crept up in their eyes as they fell silent. I frowned.

"What?" He bowed his head a bit, making me feel a little sad. It was most likely due to my Rinnegan. He probably thought I would use it against him or something.

"Deidara... Can I talk to you?" I made sure to let my hurt show. He nodded looking a little guilty.

We walked outside, and I led him to the same stone me and Tobi had sat at a little while ago. "I hope you know that now that I showed my kekkei genkai, I still plan on treating you the same as before."

Deidara paused. "Really, un?" I smiled at him and nodded.

"I would never treat a friend harshly unless they overstep their boundaries. And that for me is only doing two things. But you don't need to know what those things are yet." I stood and walked away, going back to my room. Before I walked into the hideout, I turned to Deidara.

"You know...... I wouldn't mind it if you come with me on a trip to see something important in a week or so."

I left him to think about it. I had invited mom and dad a few hours ago, but they had a meeting that required both of thwm during that time. I was going to see the old shrine of my birth mother, Kaguya. It was surprisingly still intact from what Zetsu told me.

I went into my room, seeing it empty and began to pack. I grabbed a few pairs of clothes and a few sets of kunai and shuriken. As I finished, my ring began to heat up, so I went to dad's office. He was sitting there, a small parcel on the table. He looked up and let out a rare smile.

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