Flustered parents are funny

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(This is a shoutout to the first person to a knowledge my other books. Thank you kittykat12334!)

I smiled and skipped up to dad. Everyone stared in confusion. Deidara had told them that he was my dad and konan was my mom but I don't think they believed him.

I grabbed mom's hand as I passed her and stood her next to dad. I looked up innocently and dad broke out into a cold sweat.

"Sakura...? Why are you using that look?" He sounded a bit scared. Everyone leaned in, Sai included. He wanted to know how we acted around each other.

"Mom, dad......" I ignored the shocked looks. "Holy shit Deidara wasn't lying." Hidan stated. I smirked.

"Can I ask something?" Mom nodded, very wary now. I never asked to ask. I just questioned.

"Can you give me a little sister?" I grinned. 3...2...1. Mom went beet red and Dad froze. Everyone began to laugh and Sai smiled.

"Yes she does want a little sister. Just please be quiet during the night if you do decide to make one." Mom squealed and burried her face in her hands, red as a tomato. Dad was the exact same. And everyone was howling at Sai's comment.

I grabbed his hand and skipped away. I led him to my room and grabbed a few sketchbooks. I handed him a blank one and grinned. "Draw whatever you want."

So we sat there, drawing and chatting for a few hours. We stopped when loud sounds echoed through the halls. Sai's eyes widened and he put a pair of headphones on me. I gave him an odd look before it clicked. I blushed and burrowed my face into my notebook again.

I started to draw a picture. A very specific one. My hands moved without any meaning until a face I had never seen in person showed up on the canvas. I smiled.

Muzan and another woman. I wished I could meet them sometime. Bet they aren't in this world... I pouted. I kinda wanted to meet the Hashira, but they might try to kill me. Then I smirked.

I took the headphones off, it now being silent and crawled into bed. Sai ended up on the other side of me, his back turned. He didn't have a room yet so he was staying with me. We both fell into a deep sleep, me planning what could be the start of the forth great ninja war.

We woke up to the smell of something burning. I checked the time and realized I overslept. And someone else was making breakfast. I cringed and ran to the kitchen. Tobi was staring at a very burnt pancake, the recipe I had written down next to him. He turned and began to sweat.

"I don't know how to cook." To my surprise, he had used his deep voice. I smiled.

"I'll teach you." That's how Kisame walked in on me showing Tobi how to flip the pancake. He just smiled and left the kitchen, going to set the table. Everyone ate and commented on Tobi's newfound ability to cook aomething decent.

Then mom and dad walked in. Everyone choked and avoided eye contact. I smiply smriked widely. Mom stared warily.

"Again with that look? What happened?" I grinned.

"You need soundproof walls mom. And when is the baby sister coming?" My grin only widened and the two froze and glanced at the others.

Sai spoke up. "I ended up putting headphones on Sakura when the noises reached the room." He was smirking too. Kakuzu snorted.

"This kid has balls." I laughed lightly. I waved to dad and we went to his office. He sat down, a confused look on his face.

"Dad...? You know how I can use my rinnegan to dimensionally travel right?" He nodded. "I want to see if I can travel to other worlds to collect powers to help our cause."

Dad hummed. It was a good idea, but parts of it didn't sit well with him.

"How long will you be gone?"

"A few months tops. I want to go to two of the worlds and then I have to train hard as hell to master my abilities." He sighed and nodded.

"You will leave after this next mission with Sai to go to Orochimaru's hideout to speak to him and Sasuke Uchiha. Orochimaru has stopped attacking us because you're here and Itachi wants to tell his brother the truth. He wants to keep living as your elder brother and he can't do that if he's dead."

I smiled and nodded. Itachi wanted to live! And he wants to tell Sasuke what really happened. I knocked on Itachi's dookr and he gave me the file, a knowing look on his face.

"Tell Sasuke that I'm sorry will you?"

I nodded. Soon me and Dai were off, heading to the place I knew the others would show up. The plot may be fucked up, but with little hints and clues, they will still go there. This time they will see Sasuke return to them.

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