Sorry Giyuu-Sensei

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We all left the little Island. I had Dkai tie me and Haku up in her sash. She brought us to stay with Uzui's wives and Zenitsu. I hummed and just sighed as the wait began.

His wives tried to speak but I shook my head. I felt the sash on my mouth fall loose and a sash with Daki's eyes appeared above us.

"I'll let you talk but only because one of you are pretty." The sashes on mine, Haku's and Uzui's wives dropped and Daki left.

Hinatsuru was first to speak. "Are you both alright?" I nodded.

"Yeah. We're both fine. How about you three? You've been here for days if I'm correct." Makio nodded.

"We're doing good for now. But we have to get out and get to Tengen-sama." I grunted and sent a message to Daki by slipping a small piece of paper into the sash. I saw it vanish and within seconds the sash with her eyes reappeared.

I felt myself and Haku getting pulled.

"It seems the master wants this one." The wives eyes widened and they struggled. I smiled at them.

"Don't struggle. Just wait." I was yanked roughly and saw Haku being pulled as well. We ended up back on the surface. Daki let me go.

"You going to go that that Hashira you want to brainwash or something?" I shook my head.

"I want to get a sample of something before I go. And you'll be coming with me. Remember?" She sighed and nodded.

"If you don't mind me asking, why do you want me and my brother for good?" I looked up.

I stared at her eyes. "You remind me of someone I used to love. Someone who we will also pick up after we leave this world." She forwned but nodded.

"If you are master's daughter, would your blood also give us power?" She wondered.

"Yes actually. Come here." I made her show me her hands and gave her a small supply of blood. She drank it happily and thanked me. My blood didn't seem to cause pain like my father's.

You could feel her power grow very fast. I smirked. No follower of mine would be weak. I saw Uzui far below us and tugged her down to hide her. Haku had left to go find Nezuko and get a sample of her blood.

Daki was p re messed to the rooftop, face in my chest as J leaned over to look at Uzui as he tried to find his wives.

Daki was really red. I saw Gyuutaro get here and just snicker at his sister. I smirked. I knew exactly what I was doing, I just didn't care.

I saw Uzui slam his ear to the floor and break the ground with his blades. I grabbed Daki and Gyuutaro, making them seal themselves in a scroll. I grabbed ashes of a random powerful demon that I had killed and placed it neatly into my bag inside a little box. Had to fake their deaths for now.

I saw Uzui getting out with his wives and jumped down. His wives rushed to me and checked me over. I was oddly reminded of my mother.

I laughed and looked at Uzui. "I killed the demon. Haku should be coming back really soon. We kept it on the down low so we can go home today or tomorrow. I need to speak to Giyuu-Sensei." His eyes widened.

"But I thought it was an uppermoon?" I grinned.

"Two. Upper six was two demons, a brother and a sister. They were pretty weak for demons. I got their ashes as proof." I passed him the box and he checked. I was lucky he hadn't met them yet otherwise I would have been screwed. He smiled.

"I'll grab the boys. Meet me at the entrance in an hour." I nodded and went to find Haku.

She was on a rooftop, blood vial in hand. I grinned. We could use this to create something in Uncle Orochimaru's lab. We met Uzui with the boys and I covered smell of my lie.

No need for Tanjiro to find out so soon. But he looked confused.

"How did you not get hurt?" I paused.

"I did." Uzui's wives paid close attention. "But my family has always had very fast recovery. Almost like a demon's. And Haku just used her own medicine to help."

He nodded slowly. The boys had all taken off the ridiculous outfits. The matrons had put them in things that didn't match but the makeup still looked good. I paused and wiped it off of them.

Tanjiro and Zenitsu blushed and Inosuke froze. I patted their heads and started walking again. I felt the scroll with Daki and Gyuutaro pulse in boredom and winced in sympathy.

I saw Uzui send me a look as he pulled me aside. "Are you sure all your injuries are gone? Even I can't heal that fast."

I laughed and forced an old scar on my back to reopen. "I'm fine. It's just a little blood." He looked worried and called his wives over. Haku saw them about to check my back and rushed to stop them.

"She has issues with people she doesn't know. I'll check this idiot."

I grunted and saw Tanjiro's head shoot up. "Who's bleeding? That smells like a lot of blood!"

Uzui's eyes went to me and I blushed.

"Okay so maybe I was slashed across my back but I'm fine!" He pinched the bridge of my nose as Haku pulled out a needle and bandages.

We went behind a tree and patched the wound. I hardly felt a thing during the process but Haku made sure to check the rest of me. She whacked me on the head and asked why I did that.

"Fighting an uppermoon and coming back without injury is too suspicious. To hide it would just seem like pride or something." She sighed but nodded.

We left the tree and I slipped my top back on. Uzui nodded and Haku ended up letting me ride on her back. Uzui dropped us off at Giyuu-Sensei's estate to speak to him.

He was waiting on the couch reading his book. He looked up and stood quickly. Haku put me down as he rushed over and hugged us. U was surprised.

I felt a hot liquid drip onto my shoulder and hugged him back.

"You're alive..." he mumbled. "When I heard it was an uppermoon and wasn't allowed to go I got worried. Thank god you're okay."

I sighed and let go. "I'm sorry Giyuu-Sensei." He looked up, eyes watering.

"For what?"

"This." I hit him in the neck and he dropped. I caught him and looked up.

"Time to give my father a flower."

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