The master

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(What she's wearing⬆)

Soon we reached a treeline and a dense forest. I grinned and looked at Haku. The crow flew above the trees so she nodded.

"Hold on!" I hollered to the five passengers, including Nezuko in her box. They looked at me confused until I suddenly jumped from tree branch to tree branch. They yelped in fear and we picked up the pace. We caught up with the crow very fast and followed closely.

At the same time we were running, I strengthened my genjustu to cover my horns. I didn't want them to attack me yet. After a few hours, everyone but me and Haku was asleep. We stopped for a minute to drink some water and I made a very hard choice.

I told Haku I would be right back and ran into the treeline without Rengoku. I stopped and pulled out my sword. I took a deep breath and raised the blade. Then I swung it with all my might.

My horns hit the floor and I yelped. I began to file away what was left so I loomed 100% human. I cringed. This hurt like hell, but they would regrow when I wanted them to.

I returned without the genjustu and Haku looked shook.

She stopped staring and we were back on track

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She stopped staring and we were back on track. We made it to the headquarters as the sun rose again. I let Rengoku down and untied him nefore slinging one of his arms over a shoulder. Haku was helping the other three so we just walked in, following the dark bird.

We soon spotted the other Hashira, seemingly waiting. They spotted us and Shinobu took Rengoku to her estate along with the boys and Nezuko, leaving me and Haku with the other Hashira.

They all closed in around us, and Haku tensed as I stood back to back with her.

"And who might you two be?" Uzui Tengen questioned.

"Call us Sakura and Haku."

"What are you doing here? You don't look like demon slayers." Sanemi Shinuzagawa snarled.

I looked him dead in the eye. "Because we're shinobi dipshit." Visible pause.

"Not possible. Me and my wives are the last Shinobi left." I turned with a raised eyebrow.

"Obviously not."

"You look weak." Iguro Obanai spome up, rolling his eyes. Haku's eyes widened and the Hashira suddenly took a step back as Haku held me back hardly from pummeling the little brat.

"Listen here you little shit. I am not weak. If anything you are." Now he looked pissed.

"I'm a Hashira! I'm not weak!"

"Prove it asshole!" 

"Fine!" He forced Haku to let go and she sent him a look of pity.

"I'll go to your funeral."

He glared before he dragged me to a training area nearby. The hashira followed. He attempted to throw me, but I landed smoothly. He drew his blade and waited for me. I didn't move.

"Well? Ar eyou going to draw your weapon?" He snapped. I smiled innocently.

"What adult draws a weapon on a child?" I felt like a badass. Is this how Madara felt? He got visibly more angry and the Hashira started to look concered.

"Maybe we should stop them? He'll hurt her." Mitsuri questioned.

"Hah! If anything, she'll destroy him. She's the angel of death." Haku stated grinning.

"Amgel of death?" Tomioka spoke for the first time.

"She got that name after killing around 200 bandits when she was 12."

They paled. Their heads snapped around as they heard a thunk. Obanai ripped his sword out of the tree and charged me. I giggled in glee. He was fast.  But not fast enough.

I kicked him square in the stomach sending him flying. I teleported behing him and axe kicked him to the ground, where he stopped moving. I picked up his fallen body and pet his snake, who wrapped around my arm happily.

I dropped Obanai next to the Hashira and walked back to the original spot. I sat down and waited for their master. The Hashira and Haku came back quickly and Shinobu returned with Rengoku. Obanai was up, but limping harshly.

He stayed far away from me. Uzui was looking me up and down, eyes lingering slightly on my cleavage. I smirked. Man had 3 wives, but im sure his ass wants more. But I'm way too young for him.

Their master soon arrived and greeted them. I fell silent, but bowed my head in respect. A few eyes lingered for a minute before they looked away.

"You must be the two that saved Rengoku-San."

"Yes we are. You may call us Sakura and Haku."

"Very well. May I ask why you saved him? Not many just save another person these days." I nodded at Haku.

"We're wandering shinobi. Medic shinobi. It's like a sixth sense to heal others."

"I have only one question then." I smiled.

"Ask away."

"Would you like to join the demon slayers as medics?"

"Master with all due respect, you have the entire butterfly estate to help heal the injured. We don't need them." Shinobu spoke up, glaring at us. I couldn't figure out why. "They're probably lying anyways. We all know Tengen-san and his wives are the last shinobi."

Twitch. "And what makes you think that? One estate is not enough. I've seen how you heal; it's unethical and leaves room for infection. All you do is diagnose and give antibiotics? That's how people die. Afraid to perform a full 12 hour surgery every once in a while? How pathetic."

"How dare you! We all know that only males are permitted to do full surgery! And my healing is perfectly fine!" I snorted.

"Only males? Hah! I have completed over 124 surgeries in the last 3 years. You're just making excuses."

We started to banter until Haku cleared her throat.

"Sakura. Temper. Under. Control. NOW. Don't make me paralyze you." I flinched, remembering what she did to Zabuza to save him.

"Fine. As for your question, sir, we'll only join if we can learn a breathing style. We'll do final selection too."

The master hummed. "That is very agreeable. Do any Hashira want to take them in and teach them?"

All hands except Shinobu's went up along with a chorus of 'me's. The master turned to us.

"You may both pick one of them. You can stay together or split up. It's your choice." I looked the Hashira over. My body type was suited more for Tomioka's style as was Haku's.

We looked at each other and nodded. "Well then. May we stay with the water Hashira? It's more suited to us."

Tomioka smirked as the other sent him envious looks.

"If master permits yout to then yes you may." Everyone stared at the master who nodded.

"It is settled then."

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