Chapter Four

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(Sakura's POV:)

As my eyes open, I find myself in a large forest. My mindscape. Looks like I'm meeting the Juubi sooner than I thought.

As I wander I notice the large amount of animals. There were hundreds. I smiled and admired the beauty. I soon saw the entrance to a large cave. In front of the cage were blood red bars and a seal.

"Who are you pathetic mortal?" A deep voice rings out.

"I am Haruno Sakura, your new Jinchuuriki. I hope we get along." I bow.

"As if! Why would a human want to be friends with a monster?" I frown.

"You are no monster." I start, feeling the shock coming from the cage. "You and I are the same in a way. We love and we lose."

"... You are wise. Now, Sakura, if you let me out we can be friends. I wont attack. After all, why kill the only who sees me as an equal? I sense no hatred from you, only kindness."

I smiled. "Only if I get a name."

"... Call me Shinju."

I jumped up and gripped the seal. Here goes nothing. I ripped it off and the gate opened. A large being walked out. Shinju had gained his form.

A beautiful wolf with a black and red pelt came into the light. His eyes turned to me showing of the startling blue.

"Thank you Saku-Chan." I blinked suprised at the nickname.

Then my body began to fade causing panic.

"Relax. You are simply waking up."

With that my eyes closed and reopened to meet the worried gaze of Naruto.

(3rd POV:)

After lunch Naruto and Sasuke walked back to the class to wait for their sensei. They noticed a sleeping Sakura and left her alone.

After an hour they were pissed. Their sensei was late and Sakura was still asleep. After another hour, she began to shift mumbling.

Naruto got worried thinking she was having a nightmare. Sasuke didnt care. So Naruto walked to Sakura's desk and shook her gently. No response. He shook her again.

"Sakura-Chan. Wake up." She groaned and opened her eyes.

"Yes Naruto?" Now both Sasuke and Naruto were suprised. She didnt hit Naruto... What happened.

"You were mumbling in your sleep."

(Sakura's POV:)

My face flushed. Oops.

"Oops. I guess I was having a good time as a medic-nin..." I lied quickly.

I looked at the time. Kakashi was late.

"Say Naruto. Dont you think sensei should be punished for being late?"

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