Hello again Kakashi and goodbye Konoha

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All three of us walked for days on end. More than once, they asked about my genjustu. It took me three days to snap at them and tell them to wait for a while. Eventually, they told me that they would call me in if they needed help.

So here I am, sitting outside of Konoha thanking the lucky stars I didn't have to go in. My mind drifted. After this mission, I would be taking Kisame and Itachi to my mother's shrine to explain some things.

I told Zetsu to meet us there, and he had been quick to agree. He did seem very disturbed at the fact that I knew the shrine was there. I hadn't even sat there for ten fucking minutes before my ring burned with Kisame's chakra.

I jumped up and sunshined to the two, seeing Kakashi just arrive. I had my hood up, seeing Kakashi glare at me, as well as the other two. I had slipped a voice changing seal on my neck so now I could openly speak.

"What did you two need? A bunch of weak Jonin like these should be a breeze. Unless you've gone soft, Itachi-nii, Kisame-nii." They both shot me looks.

"Says the one who won't take the genjustu off." Kakashi's eye widened, and he jumped at me. I avoided him quickly, but he grabbed my voice seal. God damn it.

I landed back to back with Kisa-nii and cursed. That seal took me hours! I was so angry, I didn't see Guy coming at me from the side. I tensed as hit foot hit me square in the jaw, which by the way hurt like a bitch, and accidentally released the genjustu.

Kurenai had my hood now and everything went silent. They could see my scratched out Konoha headband and my horns. And based on Kakashi's face, he knew exactly who I was.

"SAKURA?!?!?!?!?!?!" I giggled.

"Oops~ You took my hood! What a pity...... I think I might just leave a mark because of that." With that, I saw Asuma get injured by Kisame and Itachi trap Kakashi in the genjustu.

I slashed Kurenai on the back deeply and laughed at Guy. The three of us fled, and we learned where Naruto had really gone.

Just as we made it to the hokage mountain, I stopped. I motioned for the boys to keep going.

"I need to grab something important."

Without waiting for a response, I jumped onto the roof of the large red tower below and walked through the door. It was empty, and would continue to be until Tsunade arrived. It was foolish honestly. So unguarded.

I let my body do the work and avoid the traps set for intruders and made my way slowly to the Hokages office. The traps all but vanished inside the room due to the sensitive files inside.

I smirked and began opening cabinets. I soon found my own file and opened it. I read it over, seeing myself marked as 'Possible to join CRA'. I growled. CRA?! That damned law?

I grumbled and read further finding something truly shocking. The reason the whispers started, the dark gleam in the hokages eyes when he looked at me.

'Godfather: Orochimaru of the Sannin'

'Godmother: Kushina Uzumaki(deceased)'

Bloody hell......... He's my GODFATHER?!

I grinned and tucked the file away quickly. I looked around, and saw the one thing Naruto managed to steal. The forbidden scroll. I put that in a storage seal and took one last look around. In the end, I took Orochimaru's and Itachi's files as well. Might as well give Itachi his.

With that, I threw a paperbomb attached to a Kunai at the wall and bolted. Second later, the building exploded as I made my way silently through the village. Just before I left, I used some water style to manipulate paint onto the floor.

'The goddess has been revived.'

It was in big, bold letter right on the faces in the mountain. Where the entire village would see it. The thudding of feet had me running as fast as possible. I began to gather chakra to make a portal and lept through before a jutsu hit me.

I landed next to Kisame, who was sitting next to a campfire. Itachi was cleaning blood away from his eye. I cringed. I missed him beating down Sasuke and Naruto. Good riddance.

Those fools needed that. I sat down, my horns still showing. I didn't bother hiding them anymore. They already saw them so who the fuck cares.

"So... You have horns?"


"And what did you steal?"

I sent Kisame a mock offended look. "You think I would steal? Kisame-nii!"

I got a wack on the head in response. "Ow! Ok, ok! I stole the forbidden scroll!" Itachi froze and paled.

I snickered, seeing the shocked look on Kisa-nii's face. "How???"

"That's a secret. When are we moving again? I have to take you two somewhere."

"In the morning. Now come here brat. I don't have a pillow and you forgot a blanket." I blushed, embarrassed. I did forget that.

I grinned and snuggled up to Kisame, letting him use my pillow, and him sharing a blanket. Itachi glared. I opened my eye and gave him a look.

"If you want, you can lay your head on my lap Ita-nii. No need to be jealous." I smirked when the so called emotionless Itachi Uchiha pouted.

He walked over and laid down, head in my lap. It only took us a few minutes to fall into a deep sleep. Me to meet my mother.

I woke up in the forest and grinned. I ran to the cave, spotting my mother. I padded up to her, spotting Shinju napping in a corner. He was xute like that.

Mother didn't speak, just ran her fingers through my hair and hummed. I could feel her chakra working away, Making my horns and hair grow. And above my eyes, a slit unknowingly appeared.

"You do know that I don't plan on returning to your world anymore correct my little blossom?" I froze.

Mother wasn't coming home? I felt my eyes tear up. I had grown to love her, just like I had loved the Akatsuki as family.

"Because of this my dear, you will need to take my place. As my heiress, you are essentially a goddess."

I burrowed my head into mother's neck, feeling overwhelmed. I loved the feeling of power, sure. But as a goddess? Looming after hundreds? I sniffed, knowing that the only time I would ever be able to speak to mother would be in my dreams.

"If it makes you happy mother, then I will take on your roll. And I'll do a damn good job."

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