Dating X6-88

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(Ah, X6 my beloved..)

•Let's just start this off by saying there is honestly going to be a bunch of ups and downs in this relationship- the majority of them stemming from his emotional issues. Be patient and show him that you care though and everything will turn out well- it's well worth it.

•Not the most romantic fella you could choose, but that's perfectly alright. He still has his own version of "romance". Usually this entails him lingering close to your side and general over protectiveness...brace yourself.

•No one- and I mean no one- will fuck with you when he's around. Even if he's not, let him figure out someone has slighted you...

•Considers going out shooting stuff an acceptable date.

•Has no problem with insisting on you leaning against him- be it sitting or just catching a quick rest. It's a subtle thing but something about his presence is eerily calming..if that makes any sense.

•Speaking of which, he is severely touch starved and absolutely relishes any affection you spared

•Horrendous kisser at first just because of inexperience and nerves- but let him learn and he'll catch on quick. As a matter of fact, he's quite the quick learner overall 😉

•Despite usually being quiet, he'll often spend his nights laying in bed with you on his chest- saying just about anything on his mind. It's a highly therapeutic thing for both of you.

•The best listener btw. Very neutral with most topics as well, which is nice.

•Loves you endlessly- even if he isn't the mushy type.

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