Reacting to an albino sole

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"Did someone scare ya real bad?"


•She doesn't really have all that much of a reaction? Yeah, no. She has seen albinism in humans and other creatures- so it wasn't exactly something special to her.


•The Paladin is genuinely in awe over your looks. He'll suppress the want to ask senseless question though, instead trailing off on his words every once in a while whenever you look at him during a conversation. Just laugh it off- it'll make him look away.


"Ahh, I was albino once too. Need some leftover sunscreen? I should have plenty somewhere around here."


•Can't contain his shock when he gets a good look at you for the first few times. He doesn't necessarily mean to be rude, he just can't stop himself. Truth be told, he thinks your white hair and pale skin makes you an obvious target in combat- but he also kind of likes it...


•Has absolutely no reaction to your appearance whatsoever. Hancock genuinely isn't fazed by anyones physical appearance- be it how beautiful nor how scary a person was, he only really sees what is on the inside. Now- he will fuck someone up if you give him the go ahead if they decide to say something about you.


•He thinks it's pretty cool- you remind him of one of those characters he saw in a comic book a while back. Your whole "look" is magical to Mac. That being said, he'll still poke fun at you every once in a while- asking if you get "moon burn" because of how pale you are. Of course, he only does this whenever you are good friends.


•The greatest indication that your appearance fazes him is the subtle widening of his eyes when he first meets you, aside from that he hides his reactions from then on out. What you don't know is that your unique features attract the young Elder- but he wouldn't dare make any advances.


•Never really pays it much mind, actually. Yeah, he knows that you look a bit different than the average wastelander, but no offense- you were already pretty strange with you being a 200+ old vaultie...he likes to think that your mut weirdness is what makes the two of you such a good team.


•She thought for sure you purposefully made yourself look like that. Regardless, whenever you reassure her that you were just born that way- she has to stop herself from gushing over how cool that was. The last thing she wanted to do was offend you, however she couldn't quite keep herself from letting her gaze linger.


•As silly as it might seem, Preston can't stop thinking of your striking appearance. You look angelic. Your eyes are really what sticks with him, burned forever into his memory with a peculiar sense of fondness.


•Honestly? X6 is unsure how he is supposed to feel. You're probably the first person he has seen to look that way- but he didn't think much of it until he learned it was a genetic mutation. Afterwards, he somehow finds himself admiring the way you look- a certain appreciation coming with your uniqueness.

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