Morning rituals:

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•Never once having put her personal care to the forefront of her mind, Cait simply rolls out of whatever she was sleeping on and messily takes her hair out her face.

•She'll do a couple stretches once she gains her bearings and the drowsiness isn't as consuming- just to get the blood pumping before she goes out.

•Her routine may be simple, but's her's.


•Well, let's just start by saying this is in her synthetic body.

•Curie's first order of business as soon as she wakes up is to immediately put both feet on the ground and take a deep breath- appreciating the jolting cold of her bare feet on the ground. Such funny sensations one who had been human all their life would think unpleasant- for her, it reminded her she was very much so alive and real.

•After getting dressed and ready for the day, she makes a point to take her favourite pen and click it three times before she writes the heading of the day's notes in her little pocket book.


•no matter if the Paladin is still in the brotherhood or not, the routines he picked up from them is a forever thing.

•He gets up at nearly the same time each morning (unless the night before included some strenuous activity), takes a shower if it is available, brushes his teeth, then gets dressed to go for breakfast and a brisk run.

•However if Danse is accompanying sole or is otherwise in a place where these luxuries aren't available, He'll dutifully adhere to strict Gaurd duty and usually just fall asleep later on no strict Paladin routines.


•He is ever adaptable. Deacon knows no true "routines" because he is never really just one type of person! That sounds absolutely crazy, but it makes sense. Think about it, what better way to immerse yourself into the role you're playing as spy than to alter each little detail of your life as you know it?

•Totally has no negative affects in his life whatsoever.


•He takes his time when it comes to getting up in the morning. Hancock opts for simply relaxing, letting himself ease into consciousness by propping himself up on his pillows..maybe lighting a cigarette or two. He simply doesn't believe in rushing.

•After throughout enjoying his cigarette and peaceful morning, he'll get up and start dancing about to whatever Diamond city song is blaring on the radio before finally getting dressed.


•Gage is by no means a morning person, but when he finally does get good and ready to wake up- it's straight action with him.

•He'll quite literally get out of bed and stretch before going straight into lunges, push ups, and maybe even a couple of pull ups if the necessary equipment is present. His thought process is that by doing all that- he'll be that much more ready when the inevitable fight happens later on while reclaiming a park or something.

•Honestly though? He's just so attached to keeping that one constant control, he wouldn't give up his routine for anything.


•Doesn't ever wake up gracefully, nor does he proceed about the first hours of waking gracefully either.

•He usually finds himself drowsily grumbling as he stumbles around in search for something to drink, not even bothering to dress unless he absolutely must.

•Eventually he completely "wakes up" but it takes a little while and a whole lot of push back from him...even if it's him griping at his own self.


•Being Brotherhood born and raised, Arthur has an almost robotic way of conducting his morning routine. Each activity has a designated time, down to when he brushes his teeth.

•First he gets up, systematically puts himself together for the day (be it hygiene or actually putting on his flight suit). Then he'll clean the weapons he hardly ever uses anymore before putting them back up- counting the ammunition in his footlocker shortly thereafter.

•After a relatively strong swig of whatever liquor is leftover at his bedside, he'll go out of his quarters and take care of whatever needs his attention.


•As peculiar as he finds it, he feels the most comfortable when he emulates the same rituals that the "old" Nick used to do.

•A synth may have no business doing so, but he starts the day off by simply sitting at his desk- a cup of old coffee in one hand and a freshly lit cigarette in the other. Then he'll peruse the same pathetically preserved newspaper from centuries ago- knowing well that Piper prints a new one yet not being able to will himself to give up the one he has read years and years over again.


•It kind of depends where she is-

•On a normal morning where she is with Nat, she'll roll out of bed, try to fix her hair up as nice as possible before throwing together whatever she has for breakfast before her little sister can wake up (that way it's fresh)

•Otherwise, Piper takes it easy in the mornings. She'll of course take care of those luscious locks of her's, but she'll only do so after going outside (still in pajamas) and smoking a cigarette with a nice ice cold nuka cola, maybe striking up conversation with sole or a settler. After this though, she's ready for the day.


•Used to traveling with people and looking out for them, Preston's first order of business each morning is to hurry up and get together his clothes and laser musket. Doesn't matter if he was sleeping better than a baby (which, you know, in the wasteland probably isn't easy), he will still get a move on it as early as possible.

•After doing a decent once over around the perimeter, Preston usually goes to share a cup of fresh Brahmin milk with Sturges before the synth goes out to start fixing things. Maybe afterwards he'll go throw some scraps out to Dogmeat, granted sole's companion is staying at Sanctuary.


•Sadly, X6 doesn't necessarily have any specific morning rituals. The man simply stares at the clean, white wall ahead of him with bleary eyes- mustering every shred of his being into shaking away the sweet grasp of sleep- pushing away all that he found himself dreaming of in favor of putting on those glasses of his and finally getting up.

•Nothing too complicated.

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