Whwre they like to be kissed the most

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Anywhere along the line of her collarbone to her neck itself. Don't be afraid to get rough with it either.


Do Eskimo kisses count?


Loves the good old-fashioned, surprise kiss to the lips when he least expects it. Bonus points if you linger a bit and run your fingers through his hair. Just not in front of others, of course.


Little playful kisses on his cheeks are his personal favorite.


He doesn't care. Kisses are appreciated anywhere so long as it isn't in the view of anyone that might think him less of a "tough raider". Hey, you might be the Overboss- but he still can't be perceived as mushy.


Long, passionate kisses..well, more like making out- is his favorite type of "smooch". Nothing hasty, please. He much prefer taking his time with you.


Loves it when you kiss his hands, especially the scars and calluses.


You know that big scar on his face from the deathclaw? Kiss there and he'll be putty in your hands.


It takes him a little to get used to it, but he genuinely loves it whenever you fix up that exposed metal hand of his and finish up with a kiss. It's silly, but it makes his mechanical heart skip a beat.


Kisses to the stomach (of course in more intimate situations) never fail to make her laugh, so..there.


Sweet kisses to the tip of the nose.


He loves anywhere that requires you to have to get up on your tiptoes to reach. Chances are, you're probably a good bit shorter than him. Watching you try so hard just to give him a simple kiss on the cheek never fails to make him chuckle.

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