"You are a dead ringer for your mother." She looks me up and down, "Jay Wright, lovely to see you again, fella. What can i do for you both?"

"Where's my mom?" I ask.

"Let's talk price first, actually." She leans forward, hands behind her back. "I don't see any cash."

"In the car, you know how i work, Donnelly." Jay speaks up.

"Fair enough, you're always trusty, Jay." She looks at me, "So your moms in Belfast, being auctioned off."


Jay and I glance at each other.

"She, along with the little Italian guy that was with her, both in Belfast. The auction is tonight at  midnight. She'll be used for sex... she's quite young, so she is, and beautiful. She's been drugged repeatedly. Beat too. Broke her legs so she couldn't walk." She says, and tears fill my eyes. Momma doesn't deserve that.

"And worst thing of all?" Donnelly smiles sadistially, "Her husband, your father, was the one to trap her in. He broke her legs. Declan Hale has never been on the assassins side. This just proves it for the Irish."

I'm going to kill him. Father or not. That's my mom.

I look down, don't cry in front of powerful people.

"She's alive, the young Italian guy will be auctioned too. Black market, Russia or China i'm thinking. They're torturing him slowly in Belfast as we speak-"

"Where's the auction?" Jay asks.

"Warehouse off road, invitees only allowed. Coming from all across the globe." She looks at me, "Hope you find her. Now let's talk price."

"How much?" I clear my throat.


I was expecting more honestly.

"I'll get it." Jay says, "You stay here."

I nod my head, but the second he takes a step toward the door, it swings open. A bullet pierced through his head, and when i look at the woman, a bullet pierced through hers too.

I look at the entrance holding my hands up in defence but drop them when Coin stares back at me. "Kill me and you'll never get Stefan back."

"Why i'm not killing you." He nods his head and one bearded Italian guy starts patting me down.

He says something in Italian and then Coin lowers his weapon, "What do you know?"

"I'm hungry." I walk toward him, "I haven't ate since we got on the plane. Feed me and i'll tell you everything i know." I push past him, he signals for his men to stay off me as i walk to where the car should be parked with my brother and Kaleb.

I see a phone on the floor and pick it up, Kaleb had texted my brothers number with an address. My brother threw his phone from the window so i would find them.

I slide it into my back pocket. "Get in the car." Coin opens the door.

I smile, and then sprint in the opposite direction.

I don't look back, i just keep running down the country road and hear their heavy, booted footsteps after me.

However, i really should have looked at the map of this country because as soon as i turned a corner, i was met by a dead end.

"Fuck." I turn around and Coins gun was raised at me, "Hi."

"You are so ridiculous." He walks up to me, shouting for his men to lower their guns. "They would have killed you." He slides his gun in his back pocket.

I press my finger against his chest, "That would have been a you problem."

"Do you find this funny?" He grabs my arm.


He mutters some words in Italian that i'm almost certain was him cussing me out and then unexpectedly, throws me over his shoulder. The exact same way he had bounded my legs and arms so i couldn't kick.

"I think you just like me."

"You're thinking wrong." He tightens his grip. The car rolls up next to us and he shoves me in the back seat, literally, and then gets in beside me. "Put childlock on."

"Yes sir." Some Irish guy says,

"And you put your fucking seat belt on." He looks at me.

"Aww, you're so sweet. Caring and shit." I pull the belt over my body, "Where we going?"

"To a secluded location so that i can torture the information out of you and no one will hear your screams." He says boredly, his voice monotone and no humour or anything to indicate if he was being serious or not.

"Not nice of you. You know, manners don't cost a penny so-"

"Listen, Keilani. I couldn't give a shit if i hurt your feelings or not, genuinely. I need Stefan back, you have that information. I'm doing you a favour here and allowing you to come with me so we can get your mother as well. Okay?" He looks at me, slowly more irritated by the second.

"You do have a crush on me."

"Shut up."

"See, communication is key when we get more than shut up, i hate you." I imitate his voice, "Yes, Ferrari, i will more than happily acquaint you on this adventure to collect my mother and your underboss— who may i say, is quite cute, by the way."

"Amazing, now shut the fuck up."

when the female lead isn't a sobby little pick me bitch >>>

word count: 1453

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