"Laundry for a week!" He shouts back at me. Oh come on! I thought I escaped it. Me and my humongous mouth. Arghhh!

* * *

I wake up drenched in sweat all over and I mean all over. I feel the heat even in my butt. Darn it I hope no one's around. This is embarrassing.

Wait a minute.... That was a dream? No it wasn't, it was a memory. A memory?

Now I remember! It was 2 weeks before we were attacked by those disgusting mutts! Wait mutts? No I don't hate them, do I? Arghh I'm confused there's something I'm forgetting.

After a short moment of looking at the white ceiling I turn my head from side to side. The room is relaxing but in a way I'm not relaxed. In fact I don't feel safe at all, I've always been super untrusting of unfamiliar surroundings. I don't like this one bit.

The colours are light but not exactly painful. The baby blue on the walls calms me while the white of the roof makes my eyes feel relaxed.

I look to my left and immediately regret it when the loud rays of sunlight attack my sensitive brown eyes. Arghh that hurt.

I don't know where I am and the painful throbbing in my head makes it hard to remember anything. Oh freaking- peanut sack!

I try to get up when waves and waves of pain shoot through all around my body, I hiss loudly because of the pain. It's hard to even tell where it came from but my hand involuntary touches my chest only to be met by bandages that also act as a bra or some sort.

I hear someone come in as I grunt trying any type of movement without being hurt. The unknown movement makes me panic, my guard is up knowing there is a foreign and breathing presence in the room.

"Please don't get up, Luna, you're only going to make the pain worse." A man with scorching ocean blue orbs and blonde hair says as he touches me to put my struggling body back to the bed.

"Who are you? Where am I and why am I here?!" I practically yell at him.

"Pleas Luna, if you move again your healing process will slow down." The man says again.

"Answer me or I'll shave off that fake Barbie hair on your head!" I shout once again. My actions of trying to break free only bring more pain.

Of course Zhavi insult the guy like he doesn't have your life in the palm of his hand.

"Oh dear.." I hear some female on my right causing me to snap my head at her direction. She holds a syringe that I know it's going to put me to sleep. Oh come on nooo!

I suddenly feel dizzy and the room starts to get blurry. I start seeing black dots and immediately I know what they did.

Shit they drugged me. I can see myself losing conscious again.

And just like that, I'm in a haze and my consciousness is taken from me...

* * *

"Wait oh my Goddess," I hear a voice followed by breathless laughs. "She said fake Barbie hair? Priceless! I think I might like my brother's mate after all." I hear a voice of a teenage boy, if I'm not mistaken, he says I'm a tone laced with humour.

He has a deep yet soft voice, it sounds familiar, too familiar but I can't exactly tell where I've heard it before.

I try opening my eyelids but they feel too heavy, my throat feels rough and oh my goodness what the heck is going on?! Where am I?

I make a grunting sound hoping that idiotic boy could at least get me some water so I can give them a peace of my mind.

"She's waking up, leave, contact him as I talk to her." A recognisable voice says. I know that voice.

Tranquility beyondحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن