"Kinky." I mumble.

"Shut the fuck up." He does the same thing with my legs and then pulls me up. I was held in this position with little energy, no food in god knows how many days and the amount of training i've missed— i'm having withdrawal symptoms.

He pulls me out of he foul smelling basement and into a nicer looking corridor, three men stationed outside my door. "Hey, ladies." I smile, winking to the one i punched.

Ciro pulls me forward a little rougher than before and then drags me up a set of thin and broken stairs. The scent of cooked eggs filled my nose, and my stomach betrays me by making a loud whale noise that caused Ciro to look over his shoulder.

I pretend i don't see him looking as he grips my elbow harder and continues pulling me up the stairs.

We're met by a brightly lit room, a normal house.

And then the fucker speaks Italian again.

An older lady walks up to him, exchanges words with Ciro in Italian and then he hands me off to her, "Behave."

"Yes, daddy." I say sarcastically, only for him to grab my neck, pushing me against the wall.

"Do you have a death wish?" His grip tightens.

"Maybe." I lift my knee, pushing it between his legs.

His nostrils flare and grip loosens but he doesn't do anything for a few minutes. Just stares at me. In pain obviously.

When he pulls me away and pushes me into a bathroom, a nice smelling vanilla one, he says more words to the little old Italian lady and leaves the bathroom, keeping the door open a little.

"Elena." She points to herself, "Undress, you need showering."

I push my arms out, "Can't undress if my arms are tied."

"No shit." She starts untying the tie, "You spend ten minutes."

I wait until i shake my arms out to get the blood flowing properly and then kick the door shut, "I don't want to hurt you because you're... well old. So tell me a way out of here."

She stares at me blankly, as if she could take me down. People underestimate me. I hate that the most.

"Capo will kill you if you lay a finger on me." She puts her hand on her hip.

I smile, then pull the tie off her and wrap it around her neck. She makes a strangled sound but makes no attempt to fight me back.

I tie the tie as tight as possible then shove the remainder in her mouth, pulling open the shower curtain and shoving her in the bathtub. She falls a little and ends up on her back.

She keeps trying to scream but it was useless. I close the shower curtain over and take the razor blades out of my bra before finding a set of clean clothes on the counter. I pull the shirt over my head, disregarding the broken one.

I open the drawers and find floss and toothbrushes.

Mrs. Old Elena was still struggling in the bathroom, she can literally just untie it.

I break the end of the toothbrush that holds the bristles and then thread the floss through the cut out in the razor blade, then tie it around the toothbrush. My dad taught me how to make weapons out of practically anything. You have the right materials, you can make anything.

I shove it up my sleeve, looking at myself in the mirror. I really need to find out how long i've been here for.

However, as soon as i crack the door open, icy eyes stare back at me. Ciro leant against the doorframe, "You're getting on my nerves." He pushes the door open and pushes past me.

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