Chapter 26

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Amelia's pov*

I walk out of my bed room and run downstairs to find my cupcake.

I don't see him anywhere downstairs so I run back upstairs. I knock on his bedroom door but no one answers. So I run to his office.

I knock and he says "come in"


"Adrian." I say with a serious expression on my face. I also put my hands on my hips to try to seem intimateding.

"Yes Amelia?" He asks with a hint of a smile on his mouth and his eyes lighting up a bit.

"Can I go to the park with Athena, Cynthia and Rio?" I ask, and try my best puppy dog eyes.

"I'm sorry Amelia. But you can't go out of here. The Vance mafia are after me and you, After what we did and I don't want to risk you getting hurt again" He says. With slight anger in his voice. But I know it isn't toward me.

My name said with his beautiful, italian accent sounded like the gates of heaven were being opened. I don't even know why I'm thinking about my name coming out of his mouth when he just said that.

I frown a bit but I understand so I smile again so I don't make him feel bad.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"I have a mission to go on tomorrow and I have tons of paper work do to and I better get them all done."

His Italian accent is so beautiful! Anyway.

"What mission?" I ask.

"Well tomorrow we are going to kill Anthony and his father. And when I say 'we' I don't mean you're coming." He says.

"What if you get shot?! What if one of you dies?!" I ask sitting on his chair.

"I make my men wear bullet proof vests. So they won't get hurt. And if they do. It won't be fatal. And you don't have to worry about me. I am heavily trained since I was 8." He says with a determined face.

"Why am I still doubting your safety?" I ask him.

"Well if you want to see for yourself then I will show you." He says then he pulls out his phone.

"You know that Corbin is my right hand man right? Meaning if I died he'd be the one to take over my mafia." He says.

I didn't know that but I nod anyway.

"Ok." He says then calls someone on the phone.

"Corbin. Head to the training room. I will be there in a minute." He says then hangs up.

"Come on."He says holding out his hand.

I take it and we get out of his office.

We arrive at the training room and I see Corbin waiting for it.

Adrian nods at Corbin then turns to me. "Watch us." He says.

"He's the boss for a reason Melia." Corbin says and I sit there and watch at the two get ready for their fight.

Where's my popcorn?

Adrian takes off his shirt and my heart does a quick flip.

God damn. Someone doesn't skip a day in the gym.

Can't relate.

Corbin and him start their fight and before Corbin could touch Adrian. He was on the floor with Adrian's foot on his back.

I just stare at him with my mouth wide open.

Adrian helps Corbin up and then they start their fight again.

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