Chapter One.

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This has been edited so many times, I keep finding mistakes, anyway! Enjoy my first ever chapter! Hope you give this book a chance because I honestly love it and I know you think I'm just saying that because I'm the author, but I for real know you will like this book! I just need people to try it out before they judge it.

Amelia's pov*

I slam my book on the table, and I look at Rio with a big scowl on my face. "Fuck this, I'm tired." I throw my head back.

Oh, did I forget to mention that I have a dog? He's like a three in one, though. Very special. A best friend, a family, and -the obvious one- my doggo.

 A best friend, a family, and -the obvious one- my doggo

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

He's 5 months old and very cute, might I add. And I always use him as my self-defence tool. Sorry Rio, but you're scary enough for the job bud.

I was home studying for my degree, I wanted to be a forensic doctor, because the whole concept of death and killing is very fascinating to me. I know it's weird, but I always like to watch true crime documentaries and watch how clever some of these killers are.

I was bored, and tired of studying so I got dressed and went on a walk with my Rio. And he wanted to pee, anyway, so I thought why not take a break and walk for a bit.

 And he wanted to pee, anyway, so I thought why not take a break and walk for a bit

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Too cute Amelia. I thought to myself because the outfit was cute and nice for just a walk, but I didn't care because a girl's gotta look cute 24/7 anyway.

My mom always told me that my body is like an object, but you are the one to determine whether that object is a diamond or a rock. if you cherish it and care for keeping it to yourself and not selling it for anything. then you chose to be the diamond. If not then you'll be a worthless piece of rock that nobody will be interested in. And she Is right.

God, I miss her.

She died a week ago and I haven't accepted the fact that she's gone. I don't think I ever will. I think that's the first stage of grieve. Denial.

And my dad well I don't think I ever knew him, because, well he died when I was 6 years old,
But I would always hear her mom talking about him like he was the best man that existed, which I was happy about because at least my mom has memories of my father.

My Bright LightTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang